NRA’s project Exile by Chris Stark – GOA TX

March 1st, 2012


NRA’s Project (Exile) Gun Gulag

Copyright ? 2000 by Gun Owners Alliance (GOA-Texas).
Republication permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert
is left intact in its original state.

NRA’s Project Exile at first glance, appears to be “Just what the Doctor
Ordered” for this Nation. After all, the way the NRA sells this to the
public, and to their membership is, that criminals that use guns will do
“hard time” in prison. And if that was all we would get out of their pet
project, then indeed Gun Owners Alliance would embrace Project Exile with
open arms.


Just the fact that the Clinton Administration is now feeling “warm and fuzzy”
over Project Exile should raise the red flags quite high! Since when did our
fearless President ever want to do something that promoted the 2nd Amendment?
Has this ever happened since he has been President? Oh, but just wait and see
what Mr. Klintoon will enforce! The list includes, but is not limited to:

1) Semi-Auto Ban:

2) Kohl-Lautenberg– School Zones And Domestic Confiscation Gun Bans:

3) Brady Law & NICS Checks

…….and the list of abuses is longer than I can possibly type. These are
just the type of laws that do nothing to lock up criminals, but rather, they
are designed to harass law abiding gun owners, and make criminals out of them.
But guess what? They are STILL Federal gun laws, so they too will be enforced!
I also want to bring your attention to the quote in the Houston Chronicle’s
news article that is found below the NRA’s alert:

“In an unusual response that bodes well for the proposal’s
chances, representatives of Handgun Control Inc. and the
National Rifle Association both applauded the idea.”

Since when did Handgun Control Inc. ever embrace the first truly pro-gun
proposal of ANY sort?? And now, the NRA and HCI are holding hands in unity
over Project Exile? Folks, have you ever smelled a rat like this one?

Thanks NRA, for “Project Gun Gulag!” But now, you know……

“The R E S T of the Story!”

Other lists of NRA abuses are found at

But don’t take my word for it, get it straight from the NRA:


Vol. 7, No. 3


President Clinton, showcasing his ability to flip-flop faster than a
pancake cook, announced in Boston this week that he is now in favor of
enforcing existing federal firearms laws. He revealed his intention to
push a $280 million proposal that includes, according to Clinton, “the
largest national gun enforcement initiative in the history of the United
States.” Of course, this is the same Clinton who ignored NRA’s call to
support the “Project Exile” prosecution model for years. Just last year,
while NRA called for at least $50 million in federal funding to expand
such programs nationwide, the Clinton budget capped expenditures at
merely $5 million. This is also the same Clinton whose Administration
has presided over a 44% decline in BATF-referred prosecutions! With
this in mind, NRA remains skeptical regarding Clinton’s latest claims.
NRA-ILA Executive Director James Jay Baker commented, “I’m glad that
the president has finally agreed with the NRA that enforcing federal
firearms laws makes sense. We’ve been pushing for more enforcement of
existing laws, and it’s unfortunate that it took him until the seventh
year of his term to finally take that seriously.” However, Baker
cautioned, “The President has proved adept at changing his position.
When we see the detailed budget, we’ll know if he has truly changed.”

# # # # # #

Paper: Houston Chronicle
Date: TUE 01/18/00
Section: A
Page: 5
Edition: 3 STAR

Big push for gun control / Clinton scheduled to announce $280 million
project today

Chicago Tribune

WASHINGTON – President Clinton plans to announce today the biggest
gun-enforcement push in history, a $280 million plan to hire 500
firearms law-enforcers and 1,100 gun-crime prosecutors.

The initiative, which Clinton is to announce in Boston and propose
next month in his 2001 budget plan, removes any doubt that Clinton
hopes to make gun control a big piece of his legacy.

While the president has long vowed to fight for such gun-control
measures as background checks at gun shows and requiring child-safety
locks on handguns, the program is a response to conservative criticism
that the White House keeps pushing for new gun laws without enforcing
existing ones.

The 500 new members of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
would be the largest-ever increase to the agency’s enforcement staff.

They would consist of 300 gun agents – a 23 percent increase – and
200 inspectors, a doubling of those ranks.

Inspectors focus on licensed gun dealers, making sure they are complying
with the law, while agents conduct traditional criminal investigations.

The White House says the hiring of 1,000 state and local prosecutors,
plus 100 federal ones, will allow cities to reproduce Boston’s success
in fighting gun crimes by going after illegal gun traffickers and repeat

In an unusual response that bodes well for the proposal’s chances,
representatives of Handgun Control Inc. and the National Rifle
Association both applauded the idea.

“We’ve often said that strong enforcement is needed, and one key is
boosting ATF ,” said Handgun Control President Robert Walker.

NRA executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said he strongly supports
the plan, but he was skeptical the administration would follow through.

Administration officials were optimistic that Democrats and Republicans
in Congress, who may disagree on the need for new gun-control laws, will
agree on bolstering current enforcement.

“The idea that one ought to choose between enforcing gun laws and
improving the current gun laws that are riddled with loopholes is
a premise only the gun lobby could come up with,” said Eric Liu,
Clinton’s deputy domestic policy adviser. “We’ve got to do both.”

Clinton will also announce today that the number of gun crimes
prosecuted by federal authorities increased by 25 percent last year,
from 4,391 cases to 5,500.

The Clinton plan would also spend $30 million to create a national
database of the individual features of shell casings left at crime
scenes, much like existing databases of fingerprints and DNA samples.

The White House would spend $10 million, more than double this year’s
allotment, to help local governments run anti-gun violence ad campaigns.

Clinton would also fund more efforts to trace guns, and he would
provide $10 million to research and test “smart guns” which would
work only for their legal owners.


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