Some of you would be interested to know that America On Line hosts a Rosie O’Donut-butt board (go figure-similar leftist leanings!). Anyway, since the antifreedom lefties visit us here occasionally, I figure that it’s only fair to return the favor by posting on their board now and again! Of course, all the weirdos go berzerk when I do…here’s an example of a moron who figured she/he/it would flame me with about six messages:
>>What board will you b*tch and moan on now? “I was a former cop and I hate gun control. Rosie is fat. I’m cool. Don’t yell fire in a theatre. Songs and movies are like yelling fire in a movie theatre. We are all brainwashed by entertainers, that’s why I waste my life away on the Rosie board. I’m influenced by Rosie and she needs to shut up.”Let’s all clap for you.
Stop with the fire line… It has nothing to do with the price of tea in China.<<
(I couldn’t help myself. I MUST answer a self rightious idiot like this! I think there is a law to that effect…)
From: DAMcKimmey
Message-id: <[email protected]>
You seem to have a number of issues that need to be addressed. I’ll try to help you initially, but I urge you to seek professional help with whatever loose screw you have in your head that is obviously torturing you!
1)>>What board will you b*tch and moan on now? <<
I haven’t decided that yet…I was thinking of the “Barbara-Big-Nose Way We Were” board or perhaps the “Alec Baldwin Anti-American If I Don’t Get My Way I’ll Cry And Leave The Country!” board…I’ll let you know once I decide!
2)>>I was a former cop and I hate gun control. Rosie is fat. I’m cool.<<
All true…next?
3) >>We are all brainwashed by entertainers, that’s why I waste my life away on the Rosie board.<<
Not true…only some people are brainwashed by entertainers-We refer to them as “Sheeple” See? A combination of the words “SHEEP” and “PEOPLE”…in other words only really stupid morons are influenced by these left-wing dirtbags…usually the same scumbags who blindly defend them even when they support blatently immoral causes! I would add that I posted one message on this board a couple of days ago and you answered with six messages…who’s wasting their life away?
4)>>I’m influenced by Rosie and she needs to shut up.<<
You’re improving-this statement is actually half right…she does need to shut up!
5) >>Let’s all clap for you.<<
I’ll bow later…after she goes off the air!
6) >>Stop with the fire line… It has nothing to do with the price of tea in China.<<
This is the first thing you’ve said that makes any sense…it’s not true, but at least it makes some sense!
Actually a guy that yells “Fire” in a theatre only affects that safety of the 100 or 150 or so people who are inside at the
time–O’Donut-butt seeks to adversely impact the safety of millions by depriving them of the means to defend themselves. The theatre stunt could be called a poorly conceived prank-while O’Donut-butt seeks to help in the murder of hundreds every year!
(Okay, I know it’s not nice to pick on retards but it is a lot of fun!)