Ohio State Univ Gun Brouhaha.

March 1st, 2012

The Big Cheese Responds

Remember the story we sent out earlier this week about Ohio University
forcing a professor to remove a Reconstruction era rifle from its display
case on the wall of the professor’s office? It appears the university
president got a lot of, shall we say, “feedback” from outraged Muths Troops
and others, causing him more than a few Maalox moments.

Below is the “canned” response one GOP News & Views reader received from
President Robert Glidden about the matter, sent by a public relations flak
at the school. Notice how the response subtly still tries to justify this
ridiculous action and place the blame for the whole thing on the victim.
Sounds to me like they took a page right out of the “Clinton Handbook on the
Politics of Personal Destruction.” Enjoy. And chalk up another victory
against the Dark Side of Political Correctness.


- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 14:08:19 -0400
To: Joe
From: Nancy Crist
Subject: Re: Your Campus Policy on Weapons…

This is a generic response to many people who have written about Professor
Washburn and his antique rifle. First, the newspaper articles that most
people have read were based on information that Professor Washburn himself
distributed. Most of the writers have not contacted Ohio University to ask
for the complete story or for confirmation of facts.

There is a history of poor professional relations between Professor Washburn
and several of his colleagues. Unfortunately, this has gone beyond the petty
differences that one sometimes finds among academic coworkers. It has
included his charge of civil rights violations, which has been dismissed by
the Ohio Civil Rights Commission, and a charge of harassment against him
that is still pending.

In this case another professor expressed concern about Professor Washburn’s
behavior and in these times, particularly under circumstances such as these,
an institution cannot ignore the situation. A University police officer
called on Professor Washburn to remove the rifle from his office because it
was part of the concern. The professor removed the rifle, commended the
officer in an e-mail message for his tactful handling of the situation, and
then proceeded to publicize the matter.

In hindsight it would have been better had the University investigated more
thoroughly the details of Professor Washburn’s behavior before asking that
the gun be removed from his office. However, I assure that this action was
in response to a sincere concern on the part of another faculty member, NOT
with any intent to restrict a professor’s right of free expression.
Professor Washburn has now been informed that a gun is acceptable as a wall
decoration if it is examined and determined to be inoperable.

Robert Glidden, President
Ohio University
