“Only the military needs guns”…………..yeah right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 1st, 2012

let’s do as the british do????????????????????????

British troops accused of smuggling guns, drugs
Date: Oct 13, 2006 11:42 AM
PUBLICATION: Calgary Herald
DATE: 2006.10.13
SOURCE: Times of London


British troops accused of smuggling guns, drugs


Nine British soldiers face a court martial for allegedly smuggling guns
out of Iraq to sell for drugs and cash.

The soldiers from the Yorkshire Regiment are accused of buying cocaine
from drug gangs in Germany, where their unit was based. Royal Military
Police have investigated claims that the drugs were sold to other
British troops still serving in Iraq.

A former security official involved in tracing the flow of battlefield
weapons to Britain’s criminal underground says troops hide weapons and
ammunition among military hardware being shipped back to Britain.

The cache is dispersed among hundreds of shipping containers. If the
arms are found, the military can’t prove to whom they belonged, and if
they slip through searches then the smugglers collect and dispose of
them quickly to drug outfits, the official said.

Investigators say that the weapons are worth more on the black market if
ammunition is also provided.

An AK47 rifle with 200 rounds will sell for between $4,000 and $6,000
Cdn, the source said. A Glock pistol, used by the new Iraqi police force
the British are training, will fetch over $2,000 if ammunition is
included “as that is far harder to get than the guns nowadays,” the
source added.

This year a group of 120 police recruits who were being trained in Iraq
all claimed to have lost their pistols. Some of the guns were later
found being sold on the black market in Basra.