Ooooooh those wonderful restraining orders………….

March 1st, 2012

Thank God there was a self defense weapon in the house and a mother’s son who knew how to use it…


Man Killed After Repeated Domestic Violence Incidents Police: Woman’s
Son Shot Man After Threats, Break-In
POSTED: 6:02 p.m. CST November 6, 2002

ODESSA, Mo. — Carl Collins of Odessa, Mo., was shot and killed in
Collins’ wife’s home Wednesday morning, KMBC’s Peggy Breit reported.

Carl Collins broke into the home of his wife,
Linda Collins around 3:00 a.m. Wednesday morning. The woman had a
restraining order against her husband after repeated incidents of
domestic violence and threats. She had even changed the locks on her
home. A warrant had been issued for her husband’s arrest after he
threatened her with a gun, Breit reported.

Tuesday night, Collins crawled in through a basement window and cut the
phone lines in the home. The woman ran to her son, and Collins followed.
The 20-year-old man shot Collins with a shotgun, police said. He was
pronounced dead at the scene.

The 20-year-old man was questioned and released. KMBC reported that
charges probably would not be filed.