Oops, Wrong House: A Metro man takes on a man with a knife …
Maurice Johnson was catching up on some sleep Thursday
afternoon when his burglar alarm sounds. He awakes to a man in
his house in the 4300 block of North Blackwelder. “I see a guy in
a big black jacket holding a knife about that size and he tells
me basically turn the alarm off and give me money.” Johnson,
keeping his wits about him, tells the man to follow him to the
back bedroom where there may be some cash. The suspect keeps the
knife held tightly against Johnson as they walk through the
house. Johnson says he pretends to rifle through his drawer to
get money but got his gun instead and fires a shot at the
suspect. The suspect takes off immediately. No word on if the
suspect was hit. (Another reminder to keep the gun holstered or
very close at hand.)
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !