Open Letter to NYS Senator

March 1st, 2012

June 29, 2000

NYS Senator

RE: Your letter of June 27, 2000.


Thank you for the response to my letter, but please do not give me any credit for something that does NOT exist. You state, “The legislation exempts sanctioned events, and that is because of your suggestion.”

Well, I hate to inform you, the legislation DID NOT address my issue. I told you that ANY NON-RESIDENT, UN-LICENSED, ADULT OR MINOR can participate in sanctioned events. All this bill did was permit those from 18-20 years of age to participate.

The ludicrousness of this is, that a 65 year old NYS resident, un-licensed, war veteran [still] can NOT participate, while an un-licensed 8 year old from Connecticut [still] CAN [and does] participate.

You should also consider that the new bill will not stop illegal guns or illegal use of those guns. It only affects law-abiding people who buy their guns through legal sources. Criminals do not. The only thing this law did was to add an ?increment? to the Democrats gun goals. They got what they wanted and the Republicans got nothing and their constituents were politically abused.

The damage done to Penal Law 400, by the Republican Senators who NEVER read the bill they were signing, can not be reversed, corrected or appealed – AND YOU KNOW IT. Simply put, as long as the NY Assembly is controlled by liberals from New York City, any attempt to correct Penal Law 400 by the Senate will fail.

You really never read the bill, did you? Everything was just one big rush to protect your incomes and your jobs, as per Newsday and from discussions with other Republicans. You sold out your respectability and your trust as a steward to common sense, and you replaced it with greed and stupidity, with the Party?s blessings.

A while back, you told me that you really did not know the gun issue well, and I had offered you doctors, lawyers, scholars, statesmen, policemen and educators who could answer your questions. But instead, you choose NOT to utilize knowledge, but to accept public and party ?sound-bites? for the purpose of furthering your pockets. At least the Democrats say, “It?s for the children.” The NYS GOP?s motto has become, “It?s for the $$.”

The NYS GOP has truly lost its base values and morals with the acts of last week. This lose of values and morals will cause a lose of constituents, from the base, because the GOP can no loner be trusted. The GOP wonders why their own constituents are disgusted with them. Simple fact is that NOW, there is no difference between the ?elephant? and the ?donkey? here in NYS. The differences are now so minute.

I sincerely hope that people, like Conservative Chairman Michael Long, have the common sense and dignity not to support you or your ilk in the future. For you have burned them as well.

There is one humorous note to all of this and that is, with the acts of last week, you have actually helped Nassau County to NOT make this year?s budget goal. Some of the monies that Nassau was banking on were from 18 year old new pistol licenses. Your new state law has set a minimum age requirement of 21, so Nassau will have to wait three extra years to realize this income. Additionally, this bill has wiped-out any chances of our kids being awarded scholarships for the pistol sports and removes them from Olympic competition as well, because they can not train until 18.

I do look forward to your timely response on this matter, but what really can you tell me. That you are ?sorry.? Or that you didn?t know. I do not think that those words are in your vocabulary for this issue. And, like a bullet let loose, a ?sorry? and ?I didn?t mean it? can not recall the mistake, deceit or disappointment created by your actions and those of your party.

Thank you for making my life safer from law-abiding citizens and their kids, I am


Alan , Editor
Nassau County News Flash

cc: Open Letter U