Open Mouth; Insert Foot; Chew Well; Spit Out ! :D

March 1st, 2012

Bellisiles book has been debunked, bellisiles has been fired and his “award” has been taken away from him…. want little ketchup with that crow, Barnes

Open Mouth; Insert Foot; Chew Well; Spit Out <g>

> “This award is well-earned…Professor Bellesiles has produced a work of
> unquestionable historical and societal merit. The National Rifle
> Association and its allies rely on a mythology about guns and the Second
> Amendment because they have few legitimate, rational arguments. By
> exposing the truth about gun ownership in early America, Michael
> Bellesiles has removed one more weapon in the gun lobby’s arsenal of
> fallacies against common-sense gun laws.”
> –Michael Barnes, President of Handgun Control and
> the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence.; April, 2001