OR: OFF alert

March 1st, 2012

PO BOX 556
Canby OR


Wyden’s Anti-Gun Vote, Metro’s and Vera Katz’s Attack On Gun Rights,
Ballot Measure Update.


The Levin Amendment to S. 625, a Federal Bankruptcy Bill, was defeated
yesterday by a vote of 68 to 29.

The amendment provided that, if a judge entered an enormous judgment
against a firearms manufacturer or dealer, such businesses could not
avoid the judgment by declaring bankruptcy, even if the judgment
massively exceeded the total assets of the manufacturer or dealer.

Although this latest Federal attack on gun ownership was defeated, it
was not with any help from militant anti-freedom Oregon Senator Ron
Wyden who voted IN FAVOR of this outrageous assault on your rights.

Contact Information for Wyden follows:

E-mail: <[email protected]>
Fax: (202) 228-2717
516 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
District Office: Portland
District Phone: (503) 326-7525

(Wyden will be holding a “town hall” Friday, February 18th at 4:00 p.m.
at the Yamhill County Public Safety Building
401 East Third Street, Newberg.)

In local news, Portland’s “regional government ” Metro is still
attempting an end run around state law.

As the Oregonian reported on Jan. 20th, “A policy adviser for Metro
Executive Mike Burton told the Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation
Commission on Wednesday that Metro might request that permits be denied
gun shows at the Portland Expo Center.”

But Pete Sandrock, the “policy advisor,” in an e-mail to a pro-gun
activist makes the following claim:

“Metro is not trying to discontinue the gun show. It is interested in
making sure that existing laws are enforced to the maximum extent

Well, as you might expect, Sandrock is talking out of both sides of his
mouth. He has been actively involved for some months in doing all he can
to make gun shows in Metro buildings all but impossible. He is just
reacting to the outpouring of angry gun owners who were made aware of
his agenda. When they feel the heat, they see the light.

Interestingly in his reply, Sandrock then goes on to say:

“We are also pleased that the police will be using some new enforcement
tactics which we hope will result in the arrest and prosecution of more

What “new tactics” the police have in mind will be demonstrated this
weekend at the Portland Expo center where Rose City Gun Collectors is
holding a show.

The promoter of the show has allowed a FFL dealer to set up a table to
run “voluntary” checks on private gun transfers but has said that he
does not support or endorse these checks.

If you are planning to be at the show, please stop by the OFF table and
pick up a postcard to Mike Burton and let him know how you feel about
his attack on your privacy.

If you want to contact Pete Sandrock, Burton’s lackey, his contact info
<[email protected]>

To no one’s surprise, The Oregonian, the official house organ for the
gun grabbers, has jumped on the bandwagon and attacked gun shows. In a
recent editorial they claimed “Portlanders may have no choice but to
allow their public buildings to be used for gun bazaars. But citizens
should not also have to pay the costs of protecting themselves from the
people who commit crimes at the sales.” Of course the “gun bazaars” the
leftist Oregonian decries are not so horrible that the paper won’t
accept advertising for them.


As you know there are two anti-gun measures vying for the November
ballot. One promoted by anti-gun extremist Senator Ginny Burdick, one by

John Nichols of “Oregon Gun Owners.” and Senator Veral Tarno. Both would
end private transfers at gun shows and require police permission to even
trade one gun for another.

We have filed court challenges to both. It should be noted that “Oregon
Gun Owner’s” attorneys have asked to intervene in our challenge to the
ballot title certified for their anti-gun measure. This move, to
intervene in a court battle between us and the attorney general, can
only be seen as a sign of their fear that the truth will come out about
the real nature of their attack on your rights and privacy.

On January 29, in her State of the City address, anti-gun, anti-freedom
radical, Mayor Vera Katz of Portland took a moment out of her speech to
attack us. Although most of her speech was dedicated to lecturing the
population on everything from how to get to work to what kind of houses
they should own, Katz, in her endorsement for Burdick’s measure said:

“Now, I have some words I want to say directly to the gun lobby who
might oppose this measure. You have swamped this country with
portable killing machines. Our only short-term hope is to keep
them out of the hands of criminals. If you oppose this measure,
with your Madison Avenue ad agencies and deep pockets, the blood
of every Oregonian killed by a gun show buyer who did not undergo
a background check is on your hands.”

She then receded into a technological fantasy world with the following

“One of the single most effective things we could do is to require
all guns sold in Oregon be equipped with technology that allows
them to function only if held by the owner. They are called “smart
guns,” and President Clinton spoke about them in his State of the
Union address. This would curtail the use of stolen and illegally
purchased guns. I will ask the City Council to introduce
legislation that requires this in Oregon for all guns sold after

Perhaps we should start using our “Madison Ave. ad agencies” to recruit
an opponent for Katz. Maybe one with at least a tenuous grasp on

Currently both ballot measures are on hold pending the outcome of our
lawsuits. Well keep you posted.