Out of the Mouths of Bradys:

March 1st, 2012

GeorgiaCarry.Org Member Barre Bollinger was intrigued by the Brady Center?s state ratings. A score of 100 is their highest possible score. Here iswhat Barre had to say.
“I ran some numbers today on a sample of the 1st ten safest states vs. their Brady Score. Brady scores are from their own site. Violent crime stats came from a
U.S. Census Bureau 2004 report, and include number of murders,
forcible rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults per 100,000
population.” …Note that not even one of the ten
safest states has a Brady score over 12 out of 100, with the
scores ranging down as low as a 2! Please keep this chart to use
whenever the Brady ratings come back up, especially in the
liberal media. Brady?s top state is California, but
California (552 per 100,000) ranks number 41 by Barre?s
safety measure, which ranks states based on the frequency of
violent crime (with a lower frequency resulting in a higher


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