Paypal is anti gun !
Date: Jan 14, 2006 7:44 PM
Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
Phone: 303-329-0481
E-mail: [email protected]
We the People Scoop 1/14/06
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SPECIAL NOTICE: Many of our readers know that the Scooplist has
been down for just over a month. Our previous site at was just closed down by the Powers That Be
that do not want to see this kind of info coming out.
OPINION RELEASE: PayPal and Firearms
From: Thomas R. Ascher [[email protected]]
> Subject: Fw: PayPal and Firearms
Dear Friends and Family:
>The email below is from a lady who is a licensed firearms dealer in
>Colorado. This communication concerns PayPal and their policy which is
>Second Amendment. I encourage everyone who gets this message to refrain
>from doing business through PayPal. Don’t give aid and comfort to your
>Subject: Re: PayPal and Firearms
> Gwen: I refused using PayPal a long time ago, because I know who the
>people are who run that company. No different than AOL/Time Warner. They
>are part of “the agenda” to destroy your rights, and not just your
>Amendment rights. I am going to forward your comments to my list with a
>strong recommendation that the recipients NOT use Pay Pal for ANY reason.
>—– Original Message —–
>To: <>; “Undisclosed-Recipient:;”
>Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:51 PM
>Subject: PayPal and Firearms
>Good Evening,
>I thought you might be interested in this exchange. I had this first email
>in my inbox when I came back from the trade show. They have limited my
>PayPal account because I have allowed three people to pay for
>auctions through my PayPal account. The second part is my first response
>PayPal. I called the number listed, and the lady on the phone said she
>could not help me, I needed to email them an explanation.
>Within five minutes of when I sent my first outgoing message ( the second
>one on here ) I had a return email from them ( the third one in this series
>). That was barely enough time for someone in a huge corporation to read
>email, let alone type an educated response to it. The final portion is my
>reply to them.
>Hopefully it was easy enough to read and understand that they might
>consider what is being said. I seriously doubt my two little emails will
>make a difference in corporate policy of one of the largest, if not the
>largest, online business entities in the universet. PayPal is an Ebay
>company, you know.
>Well, hope this helps the cause at least a bit! Otherwise it is a lot of
>typing for naught!!!!
>Have a great evening!
>Dear Gwen Chermack,
>The PayPal User Agreement states that PayPal, at its sole discretion,
>reserves the right to close an account for any violation of the User
>Agreement, including the Acceptable Use Policy. Under the Acceptable Use
>Policy, PayPal may not be used to send or receive payments for any firearm,
>in addition to certain firearm parts and accessories, ammunition,
>destructive devices, militaria and ordnance, weapons, and knives. The
>complete Acceptable Use Policy addressing Firearms, Weapons, and Knives can
>be found at the following URL:
>d=weapons> &ed=weapons
>We are hereby notifying you that, after a recent review of your account
>activity, it has been determined that you are in violation of PayPal’s
>Acceptable Use Policy. Therefore, your account has been closed.
>You will need to remove all references to PayPal from your website(s)
>and/or auction(s). This includes not only removing PayPal as a payment
>option, but also the PayPal logo and/or shopping cart. We thank you in
>advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact
>the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy Department at [email protected]
>PayPal Acceptable Use Policy Department PayPal, an eBay Company
>—– Original Message —–
>To: [email protected]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:23 PM
>Subject: Account Limitation
>To Whom It May Concern,
> I received an email stating that my account had been limited due to
>violations of the Acceptable Use Policy. I called a customer service
>representative who explained that I had been limited due to firearms sales
>being paid into my PayPal account. This is true. I have had several such
>transactions of late.
> I had been under the impression that PayPal did not allow firearms
>transactions, and have NEVER listed your site as an acceptable payment
>method on any of my hundreds of auctions on or on
> I am a Federally licensed Firearms dealer, and only ship my firearms
>other Federally licensed dealers. The internet sale of firearms is very
>heavily regulated, and requires a significant amount of effort on the part
>of the seller and the buyer to complete a transaction. Most people choose
>pay with a money order, as they must mail me a copy of their license with
>original signature anyhow.
> Several months ago I had a gentleman contact me and ask if he could
>PayPal me the payment for one of my auctions that he won. I explained to
>him that firearms transactions are not allowed through PayPal, and he said
>that he pays for his firearms auctions that way frequently. I told him I
>was more comfortable with taking a credit card number over the phone.
> Recently when I was listing several firearms on the GunBroker website,
>noticed that now lists PayPal as one of the several options
>for the seller to select as payment methods they accept. I did not check
>that box, but had approximately fifteen people over the last few months
>contact me to ask if I could accept a PayPal payment if they won the
>auction. I have completed three or four such transactions, I believe.
> I am distressed to loose my PayPal account and standing after several
>years of being a loyal customer, both as a buyer, and a seller on Ebay. I
>most certainly did not intentionally break any rules or regulations. I
>followed the given information from the largest online sporting goods
>auction site on the net. I was tickled to see your name on their site, and
>happy that you had apparently changed your standing on legal sales of
>sporting firearms.
> To date, I have been very pleased with my PayPal experience, and hope
>continue to do business with your company.
>Dear Gwen The limitation on your account will not be reversed. Due to the
>of PayPals Acceptable Use Policy, your account has been closed. This
>decision may not be appealed, as accounts that have violated PayPal’s
>Firearms Policy will not be reinstated.
>PayPal has a no tolerance policy for violations of the Firearms Policy,
>therefore, your account will remain limited. We apologize for any
>inconvenience this may have caused.
>If you have any further questions, please contact the PayPal Acceptable Use
>Policy Department at [email protected]
>PayPal Acceptable Use Policy Department PayPal, an eBay Company
>To Whom It May Concern,
> I am assuming that someone received my earlier email, and is
>to said message. To dispel any discomfort about the type of people and
>firearms that are in question, I would like to take a moment to explain the
>process that is followed to legally sell a firearm over the internet.
> The first rule is that it must be shipped from one Federal Firearms
>License holder to another Federal Firearms License holder. There are a
>myriad of restrictions on whom can obtain said license, and how they must
>behave once they hold one. They are relatively expensive to obtain, and
>must be renewed frequently. I am explaining this to clarify the type of
>people who hold such a license. They are generally “squeaky clean”
>with a desire to help others.
> When any firearm is sold on the internet, the purchaser must know all
>the firearms laws in his region and/or state, and comply with ALL of them.
>He must secure a Federally licensed dealer in his area to receive the gun.
>They must mail a copy of their Federal license with an original signature
>the selling license holder.
> Once the seller receives said license, he must keep VERY detailed,
>explicit and time consuming books as to dates, serial numbers, make, model,
>and caliber of firearm, where it was sent, and when it was sent.
> UPS, FedEx, and USPS heavily regulate the shipping of firearms, and
>depending upon what is being sent, may require more paperwork to be filed
>and maintained.
> Once the firearm arrives, the buyer must fill out at least one federal
>form about the purchase of the gun, sometimes many state forms, and must
>observe their state mandated waiting period while the government THOROUGHLY
>checks that individual for any violations or patterns that would make them
>danger with a gun. The buyer usually has to pay the license holder a fee
>about $25 for the tremendous paperwork involved.
> These are honest, law abiding citizens who are purchasing hunting
>to put meat on the table and feed their families. They are police officers
>purchasing duty guns. They are single moms with an abusive ex-husband who
>has vowed to kill them. They are collectors who will put the gun in a safe
>and never fire it once. They are Olympians purchasing guns to practice
>with. They are not criminals trying to get ready for a “rumble” that
> Considering the average online purchase of a firearm takes between two
>and three weeks to complete, government involvement, registration,
>background investigations, and a significant cost to the purchaser, it is
>obvious that the type of people who shop on are not the type
>who will use those firearms for any type of illegal activity. It has cost
>them too much time, effort, and money to do something stupid.
> It appears as though PayPal is trying to make a political statement
>about firearms sales, which is not a sound business decision, a sound moral
>decision, or a sound ethical decision. With over one hundred firearms
>sales, my average selling price on GunBroker is between $400 and $500 per
>auction. PayPal could be keeping three percent of each one of those
>transactions. PayPal could be continuing to uphold the Constitution of The
>United States, namely the second amendment thereto. PayPal could be
>involved in saving untold lives by helping people to protect themselves
>the type of people who are not allowed to legally own a firearm.
> The type of people who have already broken laws that would prohibit
>from legally obtaining a firearm are not the type of people who are going
>jump through all of the government hoops in place for internet firearms
>sales in order to get a gun. They are the ones who will go to a 7-11
>parking lot and buy one from some guy in a van for $50 and then not have
>intention of keeping any other firearms related laws. Stricter gun control
>will not work. We cannot enforce the already overwhelming firearms laws on
>the books, how can one more make a difference?
> Please reconsider your stand toward firearms purchases. Please
>reinstate my account. As I stated previously, I did not intentionally
>violate any of your rules or policies.