Price of Illegal Guns Soaring In Wake of NYC Anti-Gun Campaign

March 1st, 2012

Gun control will NOT get rid of gun to “the wrong hands”, Sarah and gang!!!!!
THIS is the PRICE of gun control !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Create a black market – a high priced black market….. as go the drugs. so goes guns……….. they just won’t learn, or is it that that’s not what they re really after????????????

Price of Illegal Guns Soaring In Wake of NYC Anti-Gun Campaign
Date: Nov 1, 2006 8:29 PM
Notice they used a unidentified police source to make the
case market prices have risen. Then this New York City
newspaper takes this revelation from an unnamed source
all the to California for a supporting explanation.

Note there is not a single comment or quote from a single
gun rights expert or organization. They certainly would not
an opposing view expressed. NYC main stream antigun
journalism at its best.

Sarah Brady could duct tape a butter knife and a high cap
mag to Daisy Red Ryder air rifle, and tell one of these
reporters it was an “assault rifle” and they would report
same as fact to their readers.

November 1, 2006 Edition > Section: New York > Printer-Friendly Version

Price of Illegal Guns Soaring Here In Wake of Anti-Gun Campaign

BY BRADLEY HOPE – Staff Reporter of the Sun
November 1, 2006

The price of illegally acquired guns has been rising in the city since the mayor began his campaign against “the scourge of illegal guns” in January, a police source said.

Many handguns are selling for about $200 more than they were, averaging about $700 to $1,000 apiece, the source said. Rifles are selling for about $300 more, averaging between $1,200 and $1,500, the source said.

The black market for guns operates like any other market, experts said yesterday, meaning that when pressures are put on supply or demand, prices tend to rise.

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !