Private firearm owners of the world, unite!

March 1st, 2012

Nancy, I just want to congratulate you on a great organisation. You are doing an extremely important job. Please keep up the good work at all costs. Firearms enthusiasts and shooters the world over should work more closely together to ward of the sickening anti-gun onslaught on the freedom and rights of law abiding citizens. I believe one of the main culprits in this regard is the United Nations who allegedly held a two day workshop in September 1999 to set up a test firearms register and database for the whole continent of Africa. If this is true Mr Kofi Annan should be severely reprimanded. Firearms issues are domestic affairs and the UN should keep its nose out of it. In South Africa the onslaught lately manifested in the proposed Firearms Control Act 1999. This is an unacceptable, dangerous and ridiculous concoction which is fraught with anti-gun sentiment and incremental restrictions aimed at disarming the law abiding citizen. We are fighting this proposals at all fronts at present and will appreciate all moral support we can get.
Should this idiotic proposals become law, crime will further escalate in a country where approximately 50 000 women are raped every year. One effect of the proposed legislation will be that women will even be more exposed to criminal attacks.

Let us stand together and form a wall of steel against the lies and misleading propaganda of the anti-gun brigade.