Pro Gun Police

March 1st, 2012


Founded April 1st, 1989, LEPSA began as a grassroots, pro-Second
Amendment, police organization. It’s founder, Thomas J. Aveni, was a
municipal police officer in New Jersey at that time. The organization was
created in an effort to prevent pending legislation in NJ aimed at banning
most semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. In a matter of weeks, and with no
formal structure, LEPSA obtained and circulated the signatures of over 3,000
NJ police officers opposing the “assault weapons” ban to members of the New
Jersey legislature. Although this legislation passed a few months after
LEPSA’s creation, the organization’s membership grew to over 5,000 within
its first year of existence. LEPSA had the nationally noted San Jose (CA)
police officer, Leroy Pyle, assume duties as the Director of west coast
operations in 1990. He inspired many among us with his persistent courage
in confronting San Jose’s rabidly anti-gun Police Chief, Joseph McNamara.
Leroy became LEPSA’s first Executive Director in June of 1990, and then
LEAA’s first Executive Director in 1991.


LEPSA has reincarnated as a model grassroots organization. LEPSA
accepts no donations! (See “The LEAA Story” for an explanation why)
Membership is free-of-charge, just as it was in 1989. The organizations
sustenance is being derived from sales of items in our “Cop Shop!”

LEPSA will continue to work tirelessly for the preservation of the
Second Amendment, just as our name has always implied. This will be
accomplished through grassroots lobbying, letter-writing, phone-trees, etc.
It will also be accomplished through education. We’ll try to keep this site
as informative as possible in an effort to combat systematic media
disinformation pertinent to the gun rights issue.

In addition, LEPSA will be at the forefront of promoting the
occupational safety of law enforcement officers. We’ll provide as much
useful training and research material here as is within our means.




click above for absolutely free membership

Contact Information

If you have questions pertaining to 2nd Amendment issues, or officer
survival issues, and have not satisfied your queries through the links
provided here, you may contact us via e-mail, or by snail-mail at the
address below:


P.O. Box 456

Spofford, NH 03462

E-Mail Us!