PRO, PCSI sponsor July 13 Women On Target event

March 1st, 2012

PRO, PCSI sponsor July 13 Women On Target event


Next Saturday, July 13, PRO is sponsoring an NRA Women on Target event at
Pickaway County Sportsmen Inc., Route 22, Circleville (about 30-45
minutes south of Columbus).

The event is a day-long program for women only. Participants will take
part in an intensive NRA Basic Pistol course. Morning classroom sessions
will include instruction on firearm safety, handgun parts, shooting
positions, fundamentals, etc. A light lunch will be served at midday.
In the afternoon, Women On Target attendees will take to the PCSI
shooting range to practice their skills.

The program is open to the public (to women, that is) and there is no fee
to participate. The program is being underwritten by PRO, Pickaway
County Sportsmen, and a grant from NRA Women On Target.

Coffee and pastries will be available after 8 am. The program starts
promptly at 9 am. A light lunch will be served at 12:30 pm at the PCSI
facility. The program will conclude around 5 pm.

Advance registration is required. To sign up, call 614-263-1601.

Ellen Wickham
Women’s Issues Chair