Professor: CCW Holders Should be Shot
Professor: CCW Holders Should be Shot
On July 3, I was part of a panel discussion at the Hinckley Institute of Politics Controversial Legal Issues Class at the University of Utah.
2nd Amendment: Should private private persons be allowed to carry guns on campus?
Panel consisted of:
Fred Esplin, U of U Spokesperson
Dave Jones, former state legislator
John Flynn, U of U Law Professor
Janalee Tobias, Women Against Gun Control
As you can see, it was 3 anti-gun men against 1 pro-gun woman(me). In my opening remarks (after each of them had been given 10 minutes to speak before me), I said that in a match of wits against wits, that they needed to send more men to debate against me, but in a match against physical strength, I admitted to being the weaker sex against even one man at a time–and that’s why I carry a gun.
Fred Esplin stood up and walked out of the room and said he refused to participate in the debate with me.
I don’t know if his plan was to intimidate me or somehow throw me off and make me feel like an empty-headed blonde, but any objective-minded fair person would say it backfired and blew up in his face.
In my opinion, Fred Esplin was extremely rude and I cannot believe that a spokesperson in a match of 3 against 1 couldn’t even stay and debate a simple little housewife (who graduated from BYU with a degree in Communications) like me.
There were several misstatements made by the anti-gun side as usual, but comments by Prof. John Flynn absolutely shocked and concerned me. He said in words to this effect (and there are about 30 witnesses that heard this):
“People who carry concealed weapons should be shot.”
Or it was:
“People who WANT to carry concealed weapons should be shot.”
I am concerned that he harbors such violent feelings against people who want to defend themselves. Does this sound like “hate speech” to you?
Isn’t it interesting that in the name of peace and societal tranquility, that he calls for violence against those whom he disagrees with.
He also stated that the reason that people own and/or carry guns is for:
Penis Envy
Note–I’m not envious of Mr. Flynn’s derringer.
A fair-minded person would say that at least half the students agreed with me on the issue of gun rights and all of them applauded my adult behavior. The students reacted favorably to my comments.
I just wanted to let you know how conservative women are treated at the U of U. And I thought that the U of U was supposed to applaud feminism and especially applaud females who take on roles traditionally filled by men.
I guess that feminism is only allowed for women if you’re a liberal democrat. And true feminism frightens and intimidates liberal white men.
Tim Chamblais, the class’ professor and moderator of the discussion, was extremely cordial and good-natured.
I look forward to the next debate and hope they increase the numbers 10 to 1. Now that would be a fair fight.
Best regards,
Janalee Tobias