quotables RE: 2A
“One of the [Million Mom] marchers said ‘the hands that
rock the cradle rule this nation.’ I thought, ‘no Madame,
the hands that rock the cradle rule our families and govern-
ments and corporations. The hands that wrote the Constitu-
tion rule this nation’.” –NRA President Charlton Heston
“This battle for ‘common-sense’ gun control laws pits emo-
tion and passion against logic and reason. All too often
in such a contest, logic loses. So, expect more meaningless,
if not harmful, ‘gun control’ legislation. Good news — if
you’re a crook.” –Larry Elder
“The absurdity of mothers of crime victims demanding that
the means of self defense be removed from law abiding citi-
zens, thus creating more potential crime victims, is bizarre
and would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous.” –Cha-
rles A. Morse
“These liberties, ensured by our Bill Of Rights, were prop-
erly recognized by our Founders as divine in origin, tran-
scendent in nature, and beyond the political manipulations
of beings even so powerful as talk show hostesses.” –Rep.
J.C. Watts Jr.
“Mr. Gore thinks he can win if he frightens women with lies
about guns, then seduces them with promises about someth-
ing called gun control. Well, manipulating women may be
the Clinton legacy, but it won’t work.” –NRA’s Wayne La
“Call me a believer in the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy….
When a novice organizes a major media event and putative
‘grassroots movement’ perfectly orchestrated to promote an
issue that the Clinton Administration, senatorial candidate
Mrs. Clinton, and presidential candidate Al Gore wish to
raise during this election cycle, it is worth noting that
the organizer, Mrs. Dees-Thomases, has but one degree of
separation from the Clintons. It is stunning that almost no
reporters have asked what advice and assistance Mrs. Dees-
Thomases received from her sister-in-law, and from the
Clinton White House.” –Lisa Schiffren
“The fundamental difference between a free society and an
unfree society is an armed citizenry. ” –Charley Reese