RE: “Militant American Gunowners”………. or the difference between Canada and America
“Canadians aren’t as militant about gun ownership as Americans”
That’s largely do to the fact that in America…. it aint about “hunters, target shooters and collectors”, it’s about freedom and the human right to defend oneself and family!
As human beings, Canadians have that right also. They just aren’t blessed with the 2nd Amendment which guarantees US citizens that that Human right will not be screwed with by power hungary big brother !!!!!!
Letter: Gun ownership is a widespread Canadian habit
Date: Sep 26, 2006 9:16 AM
PUBLICATION: The Ottawa Citizen
DATE: 2006.09.26
PNAME: Letters
BYLINE: Ana Pereira
SOURCE: The Ottawa Citizen
Gun ownership is a widespread Canadian habit
Canada is a country of gun owners: hunters, target shooters and
collectors. Millions of homes across the country have guns in them.
In large urban centres, the percentage is certainly smaller, but we
still have thousands of gun owners living in Toronto (there are multiple
shooting clubs within Toronto) and Vancouver.
Trying to push gun bans as a “Canadian value” is to express total
ignorance of what those values are. Looking at a map of Canada, what
proportion of the area of Canada do the downtowns of Toronto, Montreal
and Vancouver occupy?
It’s time for gun-paranoid, latte-sipping urbanites to realize that they
are a very recent cultural abnormality in Canada. Gun ownership is just
as much a part of our culture as maple syrup.
Canadians aren’t as militant about gun ownership as Americans,
preferring to maintain a low profile to avoid offending the gun-ignorant
urban dwellers, but denying their existence or numbers invalidates any
discussion on how to deal with gun crime.
Ana Pereira,
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !