Red Lake ,Mn Shooting News release
Red Lake ,Mn Shooting News release
Date: Mar 22, 2005 2:24 PM
Feel free to distribute.
Spoke with Janalee Tobias who suggested I forward this to you.
On Sunday Liz Carlson attended my Sunday school class that I teach. Her cousin introduced her and stated that she was a survivor of Columbine HS shooting. I asked her if she was the author of the book I had heard about regarding the shooting. She said she wrote “Surviving Columbine”
I asked her where I could purchase the book and if she would autograph it for me. It is the first time I had thought about Columbine in months. Odd that I would meet her 1 day before the Red Lake shooting. Liz is scheduled to be on CNN tonight to speak about her experience at Columbine.
In addition I served 2 years as a missionary for the LDS church in Minnesota. Red Lake was part of my area.
My thoughts on Red Lake, Mn shooting;
Occurred in gun free zone just like WI church shooting and Atlanta, GA courthouse shooting
Weapon used in shooting came from LEO’s like in the Atlanta, Ga shooting
No chance for victims to shoot back as Guard was unarmed.
Police were called, arrived and were not able to save anyone before the carnage ended.
Administration has become complacent after Columbine because the shooter’s previous threats went unheeded.
Metal detectors and guards helped people to FEEL safer (Complacency)
Shooter was able to walk around killing unimpeded knowing that there would be no return fire.
People cried and cowered in locked rooms hoping he couldn?t get in.
Guards, if they do have a gun, are the first targets because their firearm is apparent. Whereas CCW holders have ?concealed? weapons and as such are not an obvious target because they are not perceived as a threat to the shooter.
I certainly do hope that the media and all of our adversaries and opponents of self-defense and lawful concealed carry get lots of air time.
Such will enliven and enlarge the debate and will certainly show the futility of the anti’s claims. Indeed, the anti’s had an ideal situation at Red Lake HS, No guns allowed, Guard and Metal Detectors, the shooter was on home study and not supposed to be at school. He was too young to own firearms. The firearm was NOT obtained from an FFL Dealer let alone a gun show.
I can’t wait to hear what additional laws would have prevented this.
W. Clark Aposhian