Repeal of the Second Amendment

March 1st, 2012

Repeal of the Second Amendment

Date: Mar 31, 2009 2:04 PM

Repeal of the Second Amendment

LA Gun Rights Examiner

by John Longenecker

“In a debate that is announced properly as a prize fight — aired on and elsewhere — the repeal of the Second Amendment to

our Bill of Rights is now fiercely and seriously offered by the left

in America. … Until any actual repeal of the Second Amendment, it is

the law of the land for the present, and until it is actually

repealed, it must be respected by those claiming that we are a nation

of laws. Make sense? Until that very hour, then, the Second Amendment

is absolute and for two reasons: 1) It is the lethal force which backs

our authority as supreme authority under our system. Some dislike

citizen independence. That’s too bad. 2) It was made to be impervious

to due process because the Founders had experienced abuses of due

process, something no human being should tolerate. They didn’t want

generations of the future to tolerate abuses, either.” (03/26/09)

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !