Response from A FLA State Rep…. Now THIS is more like it!
—–Original Message—–
From: CANTENS.GASTON <[email protected]>
To: ‘WAGC (RKBA- NON Negotiable!)’
Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 12:59 PM
Subject: RE: STOP HB 0363 !
>Thank you for your interest in HB 363. Generally speaking I oppose attempts
>to place restrictions on law abiding citizens. Furthermore, as a gun owner
>who has taken it upon myself to instruct my children on responsible gun
>ownership, I resent the aponsors’ attempt to transfer the blame of
>irresponsible gun ownership to the rest of us.
>Once again, thank you for your interest and for bringing these types of
>bills to everyone’s attention.
>—–Original Message—–
>From: WAGC (RKBA- NON Negotiable!) [
>Sent: Friday, January 07, 2000 9:34 PM
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: STOP HB 0363 !
>To: Florida State Legislators
>Re: Florida House Bill #0363
>Dear State Legislator,
>In reference to the Florida House Bill #0363, I urge you
>caution in giving it any further thought, and instead encourage you
>strongly to kill this bill at once.
>Please carefully consider the following:
>1) Crime reduction HAS NOT taken place in California where similar
>legislation has been introduced into law. What HAS taken place is a
>reduced ability on the part of law abiding citizens to defend themselves
>against criminals who don’t obey ANY legislation anyway.
>2) This bill proposes the removal of many weapons from the access of
>law abiding citizens now used as a means of self-defense. (Many of
>these weapons are also used as hunting weapons, as well, you might
>note.) In essence, you’re suggesting that it makes sense to take guns
>away from the GOOD GUYS, making it easier for the BAD GUYS to
>succeed in their business of CRIME.
>3) Though biased-media “gun control polls” portend (pretend is more
>like it) that more unconstitutional gun control is wanted by the
>general public, unbiased media polls suggest quite the opposite: LAW
>OUR COMMUNITIES. Please read that statement again and ask
>yourself a simple question: What kind of person would vote to make it
>harder for Law Abiding People to defend themselves, and what could be
>their true motivation for passing such legislation?
>4) Legislation such as you recommend historically has lead to GENOCIDE. If
>you think this far fetched, please do visit the following website and WAKE
>UP! The anti-gun, anti-freedom, anti- Constitutional proposal in the form of
>Bill 0363 suggests somebody in the legislature is committed to communism,
>socialism, or monarchy, because that is where this type of irresponsible
>legislation leads.
>In closing, I remind you that the people who care about Freedom in America
>have had it with such legislation as House Bill 0363.
>We WILL be watching how you vote, and we WILL remeber in the next elections.
>Kill Bill 0363
>Nancy Herrington
>Women Against Gun Control
Pres>CC: Janalee Tobias President
>WAGC National
>Headquarters Utah
>CC: ALL WAGC Florida Members
>When women are disarmed, a rapist will never hear – Stop or I’ll shoot!