Returning your merchandise

March 1st, 2012

Received the following at FPE.
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From: “Bobby Christian” <[email protected]>
To: Martha_Stewart
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 11:06 PM
Subject: Returning your merchandise

Dear Martha: We are taking your stuff back to Kmart. My wife and I have always watched your TV show as long as you have been on the air. We have, up until now, been loyal Martha followers, and two weeks ago, we went into
K-mart and bought almost three hundred dollars worth of your cook ware but tomorrow we will be taking it back for a refund. Why? Because K-mart, using your name, ran advertisements on an ABC “news” program tonight with Diane Sawyer that was the most slanted, biased, unfair, anti gun program Possible. We will not see any of our money used to run such lying programs with Diane Sawyer against our 2nd amendment Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. I am an ex police officer and my wife is a house wife and we both enjoy hunting and we also have guns for personal protection- that is our constitutional right and we will not give it up! Therefore, so that we know that you will not be using our money to support TV shows that have an agenda to take away our 2nd amendment rights, we will take the pots, pans, skillets, etc back and get our money back, even though they are well made.Apparently, you and Kmart are left wing radicals who have a socialist/ globalist agenda to disarm honest law abiding American citizens and we will not support you in this, in fact I plan to call all of my hunting friends and ask them and their wives to boycott Martha Stewart products and also Kmart. Kmart has been infamous for their radical anti gun stand with Rosie O’Donnell, now I guess that Martha Stewart has joined the radical ranks.I am very sorry that you have made the decision to help the socialist/globalist agenda to take away guns from law abiding citizens that have an absolute constitutional right to have them, but I guess you feel like what Sara Brady said in St. Louis Missouri. Sarah Brady said. “If we are ever to realize our dream of a Socialist America, We must first disarm those who would oppose us.” I guess that Martha Stewart is now in the ranks with such socialists as Sarah Brady. Truthfully, I thought you were a much more sensible person than that. I really think you are destroying your business doing this. There are over 4 million members of the NRA who have families and friends. There are another 2 million members of Gun Owners of America who have families and friends. There are over 12 million members of smaller gun clubs all across America who have families and friends. That is over 18 million people who will no longer be doing much business with you because we don’t like your helping the socialists who are trying to take away our Constitutional Rights.Please also take us off of your email list.

Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Christian