Rutland Herald LTE: Judges release dangerous men
Rutland Herald LTE: Judges release dangerous men
Date: Dec 9, 2007 1:48 PM
If we want to have the same violent crime problems as the inner cities
all we have to do is disarm the honest citizens and fool around with
violent criminals. We’ll quickly have all of the big city crime problems.
Judges release dangerous men
December 8, 2007
Beware, citizens of Rutland ? since we now have a bunch of uncaring judges, it is no longer safe to walk the streets of the city (as if Rutland doesn’t have enough problems already). I refer, of course, to the Dec. 6 article about a pedestrian who was attacked and beaten by a man on Baxter Street. When brought to court, instead of being jailed to protect the citizens of Rutland, the man was released on conditions. The outrage here is that he was already out on conditions twice before from previous charges ? once in February 2007 and once in October 2006.
So what does “released on conditions” mean? Obviously, it doesn’t mean a thing. When someone is released on conditions and then violates those conditions, the judges simple rearrange the conditions and release him again. Of course, all of the criminals are fully aware of this and know that the term “released on conditions” is just a free pass back onto the street so they can continue their life of crime.
North Clarendon