BELLEVUE, WA ? The Chicago Tribune?s call for repeal of the Second Amendment following the historic Heller Decision is an ?unconscionable attack on the entire Bill of Rights and the freedoms it protects,? the Second Amendment Foundation said today.
In an editorial published on the day after the Supreme Court handed down its 5-4 ruling, the newspaper called the Second Amendment an ?anachronism? that should be repealed. The newspaper supported its argument by falsely claiming that a 1939 case, U.S. v Miller, established the amendment as a ?collective right? that applied only to service in some type of militia.
?The Chicago Tribune?s editors have demonstrated an appalling short-sightedness,? said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb. ?If they are so willing to abandon one civil right for an entire class of American citizens, what?s next? Perhaps they would strip some citizens of their First Amendment rights to free speech or religion. Heaven help us should the Chicago Tribune editorial board one day decide that they don?t care for the editorial slant of their competitors at the Sun-Times, and call for a restriction on that newspaper?s freedom of the press.
?Once you make it acceptable to destroy one civil right,? Gottlieb observed, ?it does not take a very big leap to embrace limitations on, or the abolition of, another civil right.
?Not once, in all the years that gun rights organizations have been vilified in the editorial columns of the Tribune and other newspapers did anyone from the firearms community suggest we should repeal the First Amendment,? he stated. ?Unlike elitist newspaper editors, gun owners understand that the Bill of Rights is an all-or-nothing document, not a civil rights buffet from which we can pick and choose the rights we want to enjoy and those for which we have no stomach.
?We have always known the Second Amendment affirmed an individual civil right, and a truly objective reading of history by the Chicago Tribune would ? if they had any notion of objectivity ? lead them to the same conclusion,? Gottlieb concluded. ?A generation of parents and grandparents of those now writing such nonsense in the Tribune risked, and all too frequently lost their lives to defend all of the freedoms enumerated in the Bill of Rights. The Tribune editors may as well just spit on their graves.?
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !