Shooting Back

March 1st, 2012

Scriptural case for self-defense

Grenades were exploding in flashes of light. Pews were shattering under the
blasts, sending splinters flying through the air. An automatic rifle was
being fired and ripping worshippers to pieces.

Most people in America don’t think of carrying a gun to church. Fortunately,
South African Charl van Wyck did in 1993. He was there during the St. James
Massacre – when terrorists stormed his church.

Instinctively, he knelt down behind a bench and pulled out his .38 – taking
down some attackers and sending them fleeing before they could kill and maim
even more.

He tells the compelling story in “Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of
Self-Defense” – using the Bible to explain why Christians are commanded to
protect themselves and their families from such onslaughts.

WorldNetDaily has purchased hundreds of copies of this book, published only
in South Africa, for exclusive distribution in the United States and
throughout the world.

Demand has been unprecedented. Apparently, not only is this book not
available anywhere else, no other book like it is available elsewhere.

Now you can purchase it conveniently online for only $10.