Should Christians Shoot to Kill in Self-Defense?
Should Christians Shoot to Kill in Self-Defense?
Date: Jan 16, 2006 6:17 PM
FYI (copy below):
Ringgold, GA 30736 January 16 2006
Should Christians Shoot to Kill in Self-Defense?
Don Boys, Ph.D.
I have been asked if Christians should ?shoot to kill? in
self-defense, No, they should shoot to stay alive! A truism
very appropriate today in America is, a gun in the hand is
better than a cop on the phone. Courts have ruled that the
police have no legal obligation to protect you.
In real, everyday life, you and your family are on your own!
As Dad you are to be the provider, priest, and protector of
the family. You are the paladin “Have Gun, Will Travel” and
that means you may have to shoot another person to keep the
family safe.
Most Americans admit that self-defense is American but is it
Christian? I think so, although many will disagree.
In Genesis 14, some kings kidnapped Lot along with others
and fled the countryside. Abraham, being responsible for
his nephew, armed his 318 trained servants and pursued them
almost to Damascus. He fought the enemy and brought back
Lot, his family, and servants and all the bounty. Abraham
believed in using force.
It is never mentioned by pacifists that Hebrews 11:34 highly
commends Abraham and other famous Old Testament men who were
very aggressive against wrong. In fact the writer says they
?waxed valiant in fight.?
In Exodus 22:2 God permits the defense of your home. If you
are awakened during the night by a thief in your house, you
have every right to kill the invader without any sense of
guilt. However, if it is daylight you do not have the right
to kill the intruder unless he tries to kill you.
All right, but what about the New Testament teaching? First
of all, no Christian has a right to retaliation or personal
vengeance; however, he does have a Scriptural and
constitutional right to defend himself, his family, and his
In Luke 19-11-27, Jesus describes a king who killed those
who opposed him. According to many authorities, the king in
the parable represents Jesus Himself when he returns to set
up his kingdom on earth. If killing is always wrong, then
why would Christ use a parable wherein one representing
Himself kills someone?
In all the examples in the Gospels, Christ or His disciples
never told a soldier to not fight or not kill in time of war
or self-defense. They had many opportunities to make the
point if they wanted to make it. They did not.
Those who boast of not believing in self-defense are almost
always inconsistent. They will use seat belts, locks on
their autos and homes, take flu shots, etc. but balk when it
comes to protecting themselves with guns. Evidently they
believe in a ?little? self-protection but not ?big?
protection. Or do they believe in protection against
?things? but not against people? Or do they know what they
What pacifists do know is that they have the freedom to
espouse their illogical talk because brave, aggressive men
like General Patton kicked down the tyrants? doors to
maintain the freedom for pacifist doves to fly around cooing
?peace, peace;? when they did nothing to produce that peace.
National defense, like self-defense is not wrong?it is
Quakers and others opposed to weapons point out the absence
of swords or their use in the New Testament after the Book
of Acts, but so what? The Bible doesn?t refer to sandals
after the Book of Acts, but does any sane person believe
Christians did not wear them?
Swords were common in those days, so if it was wrong for
believers to own or use swords, we can expect Scripture to
clearly say so; but it doesn’t.
My critics point out that Jesus told Peter to put up his
sword when he cut off the servant?s ear during His arrest in
the Garden; however, Christ was clearly saying that His time
had come for Him to die for man?s sins, so Pete was not to
attempt to stop what must take place.
?But self-defense is so unlike the gentle and mild Jesus?
says someone; however, let me point out that the ?gentle and
mild Jesus? drove the moneychangers out of the Temple with a
One of Christ?s last commands before going to Calvary was to
tell the disciples to sell their cloak and purchase a sword!
(Luke 22:36) The meaning is, let him procure a sword at any
expense, even if he is required to sell his clothes for it,
intimating that the danger would be very great, and a sword
would offer protection from wicked men.
My critics say that Christ did not mean to purchase a sword;
He only meant that they would face many battles as they
preached the gospel. Not so, because in verse 38 the
disciples said, ?Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he
said unto them, It is enough.? No figurative language there.
Christ told them to possess swords as they traveled the
world preaching the gospel, although two swords would be
Why did He tell them to purchase a sword? Because shotguns
had not been invented yet! A used shotgun will be much more
practical than an extra suit. Have you obeyed His command?
If you permit a murder or rape of an innocent child when you
could have stopped it, then you are morally responsible for
it. Go sell your suit and buy a gun, learn to use it, and
be willing to use it when necessary. However, remember if
you carelessly shoot the Avon lady or paper boy, you will
have to take the responsibility.
(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of
Representatives, author of 13 books, frequent guest on
television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA
Today for 8 years His book, ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse!
was published in 2003. His website is
Copyright 2006, Don Boys,Ph.D. P.O. Box 944 Ringgold, GA
30736 706 965 5930
Dr. Boys? columns are copyrighted but permission is given
for them to be republished, reposted, or emailed providing
that full credit is given and that Don?s web site address is
Radio or television Talk Show Hosts interested in scheduling
an interview with Don should contact [email protected]
Please visit Don?s website at
Don Boys, Ph.D. ([email protected]) International Director
Common Sense for Today P . O. Box 944 Ringgold, GA 30736
Phone : 706-965-5930 Fax : 706-965-5930