Sierra Times: No Guns in the New World Order
Sierra Times: No Guns in the New World Order
Posted 6/13/2002
Guns were not a big deal to us. We accepted them as a normal part of our
everyday existence. We used them for hunting and killing the occasional
critter that made a nuisance of itself in the henhouse.
Paw Paw never sat us kids down that I remember to have any kind of special
talk with us about guns or their purpose. Never had to. We understood the
purpose of guns: security and safety.
Numerous times Paw would tell us that the United Nations would be the
downfall of the United States. When I got old enough to know anything
about the United Nations, I remembered what he’d said, but didn’t see the
connection, as they seemed quite benign.
But as a preacher I know once said, ‘Information became revelation.’
Paw Paw is gone now, but his words are not. The United Nations is still
the biggest threat to gun-ownership today. Unless you count the idiot
politicians we’ve sent to Washington, D.C.