Some posts in Gun Control Forum,
There is a particular gun control forum called Speak Out which some readers may be firmiliar with.
I posted a reward offer months ago for anyone who could show proof that the NRA backed criminals or children getting ahold of guns and killing with them. No responses.
I posted challenges looking for proof that talking or other remedies were affective against hardcore criminals instead of guns. No responses.
I recently quoted word for word an NRA e mail regarding the illegal siezure of guns in LA, and I pointed out that many police were part of the problem (to say the very least). None of the anti gun people will respond, but they continue to blander about gun owners being hicks and ignorant, uneducated violent thugs.
A very well educated prosecutor with an admirably mature and straightforward manner about him has made some really great posts and I have placed some with information. The response was to call us liars, say we are exaggerating and claim we got our information from tabloids, all the while refusing to debate us, answer us or admit wrongness, yet some of the posters have changed screen names and ran from us like jack rabbits in headlights.
It is so depressing to think that these people not only think so little of their fellow human beings and are so cowardly and unable to admit they are wrong that they will hold to their stories and positions till looking into the face of crime themselves. They generally have asked me if I make up horror stories or where I get my lies.
Sadly, even with the outstanding example of LA and it’s gun control horror, these people remain the worst enemies their country could have.