Someone in South Africa Gets It….Hidden Agenda in Gun Control
SSDC: Same Stuff, Different Country….
Someone in South Africa Gets It….Hidden Agenda in Gun Control
Business Day (Johannesburg)
December 27, 2001
Posted to the web December 28, 2001
THE recently released crime statistics must surely be a catastrophic
doubleedged sword for our government.
A 25% reduction in murder since 1994 has to be the most amazing positive
boost that our beautiful country has experienced in many years. The figures
will undoubtedly encourage more tourism, investment and enthusiasm for the
rebuilding of this nation.
However, these same statistics have blown apart the toxic mumblings of the
antifirearm and victim disarmament brigade.
How do they explain the reduction in violent crime when in the same period
there was an increase of 64% in licensed firearms? The Firearms Control Act
has not been implemented (now scheduled for 2003), and cannot be included in
any equation.
The desire for removing licensed firearms from society originates not from
any proof that it will reduce crime, but from the need to remove the power
of personal responsibility from citizens, and to make them dependent on the