Something Gan Haters Don’t Think about.

March 1st, 2012

The basic idea that hundreds of thousands of people have is that if we take every firearm in this country (and that has been expanded to include collectables, shootable or not, antique guns or guns handed down as family heirlooms) and destroy them, ban the sale and manufacture of them and all ammunition that suddenly all kinds of child killings, gang wars, crime and suicide will stop.

Books have been written deubunking this mythology, as well as observing countries where gun control has turned parts of the world into criminal controled hell holes for citizens.

But there is one thing anti gunners don’t think about which should give them a little rattle in the nerves for those who read this:

The concept of Concealed Carry is that the lawful and legally acceptable owner of a firearm may carry it unseen on their person. These days there are countless varieties of small arms which are made to be hiden on ankles, hips and in body packs.

there are also tens of thousands of issued permits for holders, who carry their guns in stores, theatres, restraunts, and the other millions of public places where they live.

Everyday we walk among countless people who very well may be armed. But we never know it. Why not?

Because they are ordinary moms and dad who are not shooting at kids in school, robbing banks, or getting their faces on the evening news after murder sprees. There are more of them than the criminals. And because they quietly carry their weapons without displaying them, none of the people who are around them conducting business know they are there.

What gun control supporters dont realize is that unless they can check the clothes of the people they eat luch with or shop with, perhaps even work with, they never know how many regular law abiding citizens just like them are harmlessly and quietly carrying protection. Of course, many criminals have the same problem. That’s why they love gun control as much as some other people do.