Sportsmen’s coalition Stops Bill – Wildlife big winner
Funding wildlife is fine, but what about our freedom to own “assault weapons”….
> Sportsmen’s Coalition Stops Bill
> Wildlife Big Winner
> COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 11 /PRNewswire/ — A firestorm of protest from a
>coalition of sportsmen’s groups has saved an important source of funding for
>California wildlife programs. It has also proved that, despite recent
>setbacks, when sportsmen pull together, they can win anywhere.
> On Jan. 3, 2000, California Assembly Bill 1010 was introduced which would
>ban firearms give-a-ways as fundraisers. With a hearing and vote scheduled
>just one week later on Monday, January 10, 2000, the Wildlife Legislative
>Fund of America (WLFA) swung into action. The WLFA is a national advocacy
>group representing the nation’s principal coalition of sportsmen and
>sportswomen in the struggle to defend hunters, anglers and trappers.
> The WLFA assembled some of the most well respected groups in California and
>nationally including the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF), Rocky
>Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) and Foundation For North American Wild Sheep
>(FNAWS). These groups were all represented and prepared to testify at
>Monday’s hearing.
> However, after several days of constant constituent lobbying and when the
>committee saw the large contingent of sportsmen leaders, the sponsor of AB
>1010, Assemblyman Tony Cardenas (D-LA), pulled the bill.
> “Sportsmen have again overcome tremendous adversity to stop a bad bill in
>its tracks,” said Bud Pidgeon, WLFA president. “In light of the
>extraordinarily short time we had to work, this was a huge victory for
>wildlife funding in California.”
> The bill would have severely impacted the ability of conservation
>organizations to raise funds at banquets. Millions of dollars are raised
>from these banquets in California each year. The majority is funneled into
>wildlife habitat restoration programs.
> “I’m thoroughly convinced that the coalition’s presence here was extremely
>important,” said Rob Keck, chief executive officer of NWTF. “Our presence
>provided the California legislature a true showing of the strength of
>organized sportsmen in this state and across the country.”
> Another coalition member echoed those sentiments.
> “Had the coalition not have attended the hearing, this bill could have
>spelled disaster for the California conservation movement,” said Pat
>Gilligan, RMEF chairman. “This committee witnessed first-hand that sportsmen
>will move quickly and decisively to defend issues they believe are vital to
>wildlife conservation.
> Other coalition members involved in stopping this bill include the Masters
>of Foxhounds Assoc., Mule Deer Foundation, North American Hunting Club and
>many other statewide and local conservation groups.
> SOURCE Wildlife Legislative Fund of America
> CO: Wildlife Legislative Fund of America
> ST: Ohio, California
> 01/11/2000 12:09 EST