State Rep Rids Utah of Top Gunhater

March 1st, 2012

State Rep Rids Utah of Top Gunhater
Date: Nov 29, 2005 2:54 AM
Nancy (and Rep. Oda),

Curt Oda is like THE greatest pro-gun guy in the Utah legislature. He has trained and certified 1/2 of the Utah legislature for their CCW permit. And he caught the top gunhater in her lies and as a result, she was fired. The story follows in this text. I think it might be nice for the RKBA groups to read this story and be happy. If you want, would you like to circulate this? Rep. Oda said it would be O.K. Thanks. JT

Here’s the story.

This is hilarious!!
As you know, I (Rep. Curt Oda) ran the BCI cleanup bill for Clark last session. It was very mundane and even Senator
Arent liked it. We even let her put an amendment in it to clean up the instructor pool to stop out of state
internet instruction.
Anyway, Marla (Kennedy) put out a scathing press release on the bill claiming it would cause all kinds of probems and the
proverbial blood bath. A reporter from the Standard Examiner brought it to me and asked if she was right. I said,
“Scott, you’ve read the prese release. Now read the bill and you tell me.” I handed him a copy and he said, “This
doesn’t do anything that she is claiming.” I then said, “That is the mode of operation for her and the Gun Violence
Prevention Policy Center. In fact, they are not just liars, they are damned liars and you can print that.” Mark Shurtleff (Utah Attorney General)
was standing right there and I asked him if I was wrong. Mark responded that I was right on target.
The article got printed with my quote. That action caused the GVPPC and Marla to lose their credibility and
they fired her. She now works for the Utah State Democratic Headquarters.
About two months later, I ran into one of their people who told me she was supposed to write a letter of apology to
me but hadn’t had time. I told her that any apology from her, Marla or GVPPC would NOT be accepted and that
if I were to accept their apology that I would be accepting the fact that they can lie.
This same lady was in the committee room just prior to Mark Madsen’s car-carry bill last month. She left the room
just before it came up for discussion and never returned. I guess she felt she was out-numbered.