STLtoday article: Ex-envoy warns of foreign threats to U.S. gun owners from dwalker45acp@y

March 1st, 2012

STLtoday article: Ex-envoy warns of foreign threats to U.S. gun owners
Date: Apr 16, 2007 5:21 PM

Ex-envoy warns of foreign threats to U.S. gun owners

Below is the link to the story.

Here is the story.Gun-control advocates want to use international treaties to restrict rights in U.S. former Ambassador John Bolton tells the NRA members here. Gun owners should watch out for threats to their rights from overseas as well as at home, John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, told 3,500 members of the National Rifle Association Saturday night at the Edward Jones Dome.

Proponents of gun control have turned to the international arena, he said. They hope to use international treaties that deal with small arms and light weapons to obtain to unwanted gun controls in this country, he said. “Had the NRA not come forward . one could only guess what our State
Department bureaucracy would have done” on this issue, he said.
He pointed to a United Nations conference in 2001 on small arms and light weapons. Bolton said the United States’ bottom line is that this country will not agree to anything that infringes on what he said was the
constitutional right to bear arms.
The international arena on gun control will become a bigger problem as the years go on, he said. The United Nations instead should focus on nuclear threats from Iran and North Korea, he said. Negotiations with these countries are more dangerous than productive, Bolton said.
The United States should not make general contributions to the United
Nations, Bolton said. Instead, he said, “We should pay for what we want
and expect to get what we pay for.” Before Bolton spoke, dinner guests saw a short video from President W. Bush, who thanked the association “for your work to make America safer.” Bush appointed Bolton ambassador to the United Nations in a congressional
recess in August 2005. The nomination failed to muster enough support for confirmation, and Bolton left the post last December when the recess appointment ended.

His critics alleged Bolton used State Department intelligence to push his own views and agendas and punished those who disagreed. Supporters say Bolton fought to reform the U.N. and address U.S. security and economic interests in the world.

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !