Here is a quick e-mail I shot off to Smith and Wesson on the first of April. Believe me it wasn?t an April fools message.
Just a quick note to inform you that I am supporting the boycott of all your products and am encouraging my friends to do the same.
Steve Klamm
564 N. 800 W.
Orem, Utah 84057
[email protected]
I know, it?s short message and not very elegant, and was probably not even read. But it made me feel good. I took Smith&Wesson’s actions to be a personal affront and not something I?m going to soon forget. My wife say?s I?m too bullheaded and she?s most likely correct. My brother owns a sweet shooting little .22 semi-auto S&W but I probably wouldn?t buy one now if it were on sale for a nickel.