Subject: Who says girls and guns don’t mix?
Subject: Who says girls and guns don’t mix?
Wildlife and country life have always fascinated me, ever since I could remember.
I recall my grandpa going hunting and bringing the meat home. Now my brother and I provide my grandma with wild meat for her famous dish. Talk about tradition.
Hunting, being a male thing, has never stopped me from achieving goals that I set for myself. When my brother started hunting and came home with the stories and the deer, I said to my dad, “One day I’m going to hunt, too.” My poor dad nearly fell over, because he knew that if I wanted to hunt, it meant I would put my mind to it and get to hunt.
I was introduced to guns and gun safety in my mid 20′s, and these guns are not just for men or should I say boys…. I now have my Firearms Acquisition Certificate (FAC), Possession and Acquisition License (PAL), hunting license, and guess what? My fishing license, too. I do own rifles. I also bow hunt.
No, I’m not killing Bambi. Nor do I dress with a beard to look like a man. I have my own equipment, my own rifles and the same rights as men.
I was 6 months pregnant when hunting came along during my pregnancy. And yes,
I went hunting. If you are safe and careful, nothing should stop a woman from hunting or owning guns, even barefoot and pregnant.
As for self defense, I live two stones throw from a prison. There have been some escapes and house invasions. Should that individual choose foolishly to come to my door, I would protect myself and my baby boy. It is my right as an individual to protect my family and myself should we ever be in danger.
Who says girls and guns don’t mix? Only hypocrites would. I’m a model citizen with rights. One of those is to own guns and pass them on to my children and one day to my grandchildren. It is my right and the right of other women like myself to own a gun.
And might I add that I will teach my son along with the help of his father, uncles and aunt and grandpa, the safety of owning guns.
I thought this was year 2003. You could have fooled me!
From a girl/woman/mommy.
Manon Joly