Sue the mayors?

March 1st, 2012

Member Council of Tampa Bay –

Wed Nov 17 04:44 EST AFI Communications – Ft. Lauderdale FL

Hunting Clubs, Shooting Clubs, Gun Trading Groups, Hunting Services -

We Need Your Help.

Full story here:

—Full Story–
Sue The Mayors

Hunting Clubs, Shooting Clubs, Gun Trading Groups, Hunting Services -

We Need Your Help.

Dear Firearms Owner: We Need Your Help For What Might Be The Most Important and DecisiveFirearms Ownership Project This Century.

The National Association of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers (NAFLFD) is the oldest and largest professional firearms retailer association in the United States. As you know, some cities have sued firearms manufacturers, and the Hamilton Case in Brooklyn returned a verdict against some of those manufacturers. Retailers are being sued in the city cases, also. The anti-firearms forces are trying very hard to get more cities to sue both manufacturers and firearms retailers. The objective is to either cut off the sale of firearms to average citizens, or so restrict sales it becomes almost impossible to either buy or sell a firearm. We desperately need the help of as many concerned citizens as possible, to stop this growing threat to our 2nd amendment rights.

OUR PROJECT IS THIS: We are talking to attorneys and working on formulating a case(s) that will have merit. A case that can be brought by local hunting clubs, shooting clubs, conservation groups, ranges or even ordinary citizens who own firearms. The forces of repression are using the courts against us. We have no choice but to do the same. We either defend ourselves, or lose our rights.

WHAT IS THE OBJECTIVE? The objective is to turn the tables on our enemies. They brought their case in Brooklyn, NY before a left-wing Judge that hates firearms, and anyone connected to firearms. Most people who believed in traditional American values moved OUT of Brooklyn decades ago. Brooklyn is one of those places where it is impossible to get a fair jury for our side. That is why our enemies brought their suit there. Likewise, getting a fair jury in places like Chicago is the same problem.

WHAT WE WANT TO DO IS TURN THE TABLES: We want to formulate cases that can be brought by any group in America. There are many jurisdictions in the USA where 90% of the population are pro-firearms and pro-hunting. Bringing a suite in OUR areas reverses the tables. For jury selection, it is the exact opposite of Brooklyn or Chicago. If the Hamilton Case had been tried in, say, North Dakota, it would have been laughed out of court by a ND jury. Our enemies talk of bringing 300 or 400 city suits against firearms manufacturers and driving them all into bankruptcy! Well, with the right case, the hundreds of hunting clubs, militias, shooting clubs, conservation clubs, etc., all over America can bring hundreds of cases AGAINST the anti-freedom groups. Trials would be in areas where the jury population is pro-hunting and pro-firearms. We would turn the tables on them! Local pro-freedom groups could get money judgements against them!

This is a fight for the Bill of Rights. The other side MUST BE STOPPED, and now. If we do nothing, and let them bring more and more cases against us in cities where it is impossible to get a fair jury, we are finished. Losing this fight is NOT an option! Everyone should and must be involved.

We are researching possible cases. Restraint of Trade looks good. Restraint of Trade cuts both ways. The Cities are suing gun manufacturers EVERYPLACE. That means they are trying to Restrain Trade EVERYPLACE. Does that mean anyone, anyplace can sue them for Restraint of Trade? Professor John Lott’s study proves that firearms save lives. So Mayor Daley, as one example, is he trying to Restrain Trade of firearms everyplace? Which means he will be getting innocent people killed everyplace? Killed, raped, robbed and crippled with all the medical expenses and pain and suffering! Why NOT sue him everyplace and see what a local jury says? A jury in Cody, Wyoming and Raton, New Mexico or Fairbanks, Alaska? Sure would be interesting to have Chicago’s city lawyers go to a trial in Fairbanks and convince a local jury that nobody really needs a firearm.

There might be half a dozen legal roads that apply to the Mayors. One is the “Conspiracy Against Rights” Law, Title 18, Chapter 13, Section 241. It says: Any Two or More Persons – (that includes Mayors) – who conspire to deprive a citizen of a right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution (like the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights), may be held personally responsible for damages. If these public officials conspire to injure, oppress, threaten or intimidate ANY PERSON in ANY STATE, Territory or District in the free exercise of any Right secured to him by the Constitution of the United States, that public servant(s) can be found guilty, and can be punished by up to 10 years in jail. In my opinion, Mayor Daley, Mayor Morial, Mayor Peneles, Mayor Ganam and Mayor Campbell ARE conspiring against the Constitutional rights of honest firearms owning citizens EVERYPLACE in the USA and its territories. What to do? There are over twelve thousand (12,000+) police/sheriffs departments in the USA. We start asking pro-freedom sheriffs to bring charges. We ask the sheriffs to have the local Grand Juries bring indictments against all the Mayors PERSONALLY! We have CRIMINAL TRIALS from one end of America to the other. Any mayor who joins the above, we ask the pro-freedom D.A.s to include them, too! Do we have a case? Let’s take it to jury and let them decide!

The BATTLEFIELD is in the courts. That’s where it is all going to be won or lost. We as firearms owners must be prepared to go all the way. In the above example, we DO NOT NEED THE WORLD’s greatest case to get a judgement in our favor from a jury in someplace like Raton, New Mexico. Wouldn’t it be sweet to have 400 cases pending around the country and get a conviction on the first one? Anyone can bring these cases, any sportsman’s group, etc., but the more we can help them along, the better for us. We know money is tight, but this is a critical time. The most critical time in the history of private firearms ownership. You must understand – WE CANNOT LOSE THIS FIGHT AND SURVIVE. If every hunting and shooting group gives $100, $50, $25 or even $10, we’d have enough to build a professional case that could be picked-up by pro-freedom groups all over America.

You might ask” “Are the retailers and manufacturers helping?” Yes, they are, but we really need as many people as possible. In Hollywood movies and TV programs, gun retailers and manufacturers are fabulously wealthy with 400 foot yachts that all have sold gold toilet seats. But in the real world, the gun industry is struggling. We need YOU. Your club or group can make a difference. If a manufacturer sues a City, the left-wing press will say, “It’s only about money.” But if a local citizens group does the same, then it can be about freedom for everyone.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see our enemies facing 100 or 200 cases against THEM? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have all these cases in jurisdictions where the majority of the population was on OUR SIDE?

Nothing happens by itself. It’s YOUR FREEDOM. YOU have to help. It’s our freedom that is on the line. If we lose, we lose it all. Our enemies will go right down the Bill of Rights and kill them all. Guns are at the top of the list, but the left-wing wants 100% control of everything and everyone.

Use your credit card and fax in your contribution to: (954) 561-4129 or (954) 561-7316, or mail in a check to: NAFLFD, 2455 East Sunrise Boulevard, Suite 916, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304. If you know of a good pro-firearms attorney in your area, please fax in his name, address and telephone number. We ARE collecting attorney names. We CANNOT Wait on this one. We have to put some serious road blocks in the attack against us.

National Association of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers: The oldest and largest firearms dealer Association in America needs your help and support. Thank you.

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