Supreme Court sanity

March 1st, 2012

The predictable liberal hysteria that has followed should be no surprise.
The nanny-state, latte drinkers on the political left have always sniffed at
those who believe that individuals, rather than bureaucracies, know what?s best
for themselves. For decades the gun control lobby has worked relentlessly to
convince law abiding citizens that gun ownership is just too dangerous to be
entrusted to them. Only police officers and the military should have access
to guns. Their willing accomplices in the media made sure that every act of
gun violence was reported to paint a bleak picture of what happens when people
get a hold of a gun – conveniently ignoring the many more times a gun was
used to thwart a crime. But there has always been that irritating Second
Amendment standing in their way. They couldn?t ignore it so for years they have
tried to redefine it.

Read it in it’s entirety here:

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !