Teacher demands to carry gun in school

March 1st, 2012

Teacher demands to carry gun in school
Untested in court – Oregon law says a woman can have a concealed Glock; Medford district policy says not at work Tuesday, September 11, 2007PETER SLEETH and BETSY HAMMOND The Oregonian Staff
A Medford high school teacher is arguing she has the right to carry a concealed semiautomatic pistol to her classes to protect herself from a violent ex-husband in a case certain to set off alarm bells in schools across the state.

In a standoff with the Medford School District, the 44-year-old teacher may go to court this week to ask a judge to allow her to carry a Glock 19 9 mm pistol to school.

There is no appellate law in Oregon that would cover this situation. Under Oregon law, people with concealed handgun licenses can carry guns into public buildings

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