Texas Concealed Carry works , says NCPA

March 1st, 2012

DALLAS, May 26 /PRNewswire/ — Marking the fifth anniversary of Texas’
concealed carry law, a new report from the National Center for Policy
Analysis (NCPA) shows that Texans with concealed carry permits are far less
likely to commit a serious crime than the average citizen.

“Many predicted that minor incidents would escalate into bloody shootouts if
Texas passed a concealed-carry law,” said H. Sterling Burnett, a senior
policy analyst at the NCPA and the author of the report. “That prediction
was dead wrong.”

In 1995, Texas Gov. George W. Bush signed a law granting Texans the right to
carry concealed firearms. This made Texas the 23 state to pass a concealed
carry law since 1986.

According to the report, the slightly more than 200,000 Texans who have
become licensed to carry a concealed firearm are much more law-abiding than
the average person. Comparing arrest rates for example:

– Texans who exercise their right to carry firearms are 5.7 times less

likely to be arrested for a violent offense.

– They are 14 times less likely to be arrested for a non-violent


– They are 1.4 times less likely to be arrested for murder.

Moreover, of the six licensees who were arrested and tried for murder or
non-negligent manslaughter, four were found not guilty because they had acted
in self-defense.

The right to carry may also be affecting Texas’ crime rate in a positive way.
Texas had a serious crime rate in the early 1990s that was 38 percent higher
than the national average.

– Since then, serious crime in Texas has dropped 50 percent faster than

for the nation as a whole.

– Murder rates have dropped 52 percent, compared to 33 percent


– Rapes have fallen by 22 percent compared to 16 percent nationally.

This experience is consistent with the experience of other states with
concealed carry laws. According to University of Chicago law professor John
Lott, concealed handgun laws on average reduce murder by 8.5 percent, rape by
5 percent and severe assault by 7 percent.

“Far from recreating the Wild West, concealed carry laws create a safer
society,” said Burnett. “The law allows law-abiding citizens to protect

For more information contact Julie Hillrichs, Sean Tuffnell, Dallas,
972-386-6272, or Joan Kirby, Washington, 202-628-6671

The NCPA is a research and educational organization operating under Section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions are tax
deductible. We depend entirely on the financial support of individuals,
corporations and foundations that believe in private sector solutions to
public policy problems. We accept no government grants or contracts.

SOURCE National Center for Policy Analysis

CO: National Center for Policy Analysis

ST: Texas



05/26/2000 10:24 EDT http://www.prnewswire.com