Texas History

March 1st, 2012

I’m willing to admit there are a few things I don’t know about..not many, but a few! One of the things I’ve always been interested, and therefore knew a lot about was Texas History.

When I was in grade school we used to have field trips to San Antonio and visit the Alamo. One of my favorite vacation trips was when my dad took us to Brackettville and we saw “Alamo Village” where John Wayne filmed the 1959 movie. Going back to the school days we were let out of class one day to see the film when it showed at the Holiday Theatre in San Marcos. I’m enough of an Alamo-nut that I even have home movies of me walking the ramparts of the movie set where John Wayne and Richard Widmark fought the Mexican army years ago!

Now the Alamo is only a few miles from here, while Brackettville and the fake Alamo is more like three hours. I even proposed to my wife in the courtyard of the real Alamo and later spent my wedding night in the “Crockett Hotel” overlooking the mission.

Of course that wedding didn’t work out much better than the 1835 comand! They should have played “Deguello” instead of the wedding march!