Thank God for Montana
Thank God for Montana
Date: Mar 29, 2007 4:42 PM
Apropos of nothing in particular:
My kids are taking Hunter Education this week, and the classes are given at
night in the cafeteria of the local Middle School. It just gives one a
nice warm & fuzzy feeling to walk into a public school building and see a
bunch of people (the instructors, not the students) wandering around with
guns while NOBODY cares or regards this as anything at all out of the
ordinary. …. Families in attendance … Little kids playing quietly under
the tables while their older siblings take the Class…. Just imagine that
same scenario in some hell-hole like the Peoples Republick of New Jersey or
the Distrito Federal !!
There STILL ARE a few oases of sanity in a world gone mad.
The other really neat thing was to sit and listen to a Government Employee {
!!! } telling a group of (mostly) 11 to 14 year olds, quote: “You folks
aren’t children anymore; when you walk out of this class, you’re going to
adults with adult responsibilities.” What a WELCOME change from the
usual “it takes a village” government propaganda/drivel that actively
to infantilize people for as long as possible. (Granted, he was only a Fish
& Wildlife guy, but still, he was a Government employee! )
john w.
P.S. >> Another encouraging thing is that a sizeable percentage of the
students are girls — at least 25% and maybe 33 percent.
P.P.S. >> It was also nice to hear a Government Employee (the same F&W
pounding the table over the sanctity of Private Property.
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !