the 2A Police Department
The Second Amendment Police Department is very
pleased to announce the addition of our newest contributors,
including an Australian viewpoint by Senior Constable Shane
James, Victoria PD. Also new to our site but familiar to
many on the Internet is Joe Horn, LASD Ret. Detective Ron
Willis, Gresham OR PD expresses an opinion of the Second
Amendment, and Curt Bolding has a new article on the
brainwashing techniques of TV’s Nickelodeon.
I am especially pleased to share links and information with
Bill Clede, long time coordinator of Compuserve’s Police and
Outdoor forums, formerly Technical Editor of LAW and ORDER
and still writes for the magazine. He was a correspondent
for Washington Crime News Service and is now a contributing
editor for the new on-line CrimeNewsNet publication.
If you want some assurance that law enforcement is on your
side, visit us at
Leroy Pyle
PS – The Second Amendment Police Department is seeking law
enforcement personnel, past, present, or related, who
support the RKBA. Our intention is to compile an archive of
material written by pro-gun cops and make it available to
rebut the media-fed political police anti-gun rhetoric.
We want to establish banner links with sympathetic LE sites.
If you are that person, or know someone who qualifies,
please point them to: (or if they are shy,
point me to them!)
See also Brother-in-Arms Tom Aveni’s Law Enforcement for the
Preservation of the Second Amendment at