The Fourth Stooge: Rosie O’Donnell
The Fourth Stooge: Rosie O’Donnell
“I have a question for you: What is the rapist’s worst
nightmare? Answer – A woman with a gun! Who is this Rosie
O’Donnell who’s trying to take away my right to defend
myself?! Rosie is a powerful, rich Hollywood stooge. She
can afford to hire gun-toting body guards and security
systems to protect her sorry ass. … What about us, Rosie?!
Who is this Rosie to stomp on our right to defend
ourselves?! They don’t give a damn about us working women
who have to live in neighborhoods where violence is common!
The criminal element is hoping that Rosie will be successful
today. Hell, yes! The criminals and rapists want us
UNARMED. Duh, Rosie!! Get a brain!!”
- Saundra Duffy in a pro-defense speech at a Sacramento, CA,
counter demonstration to the Million Mom March, 5/14/00