The Gun: A most Beautiful Poem !!!!!!!!!!!!

March 1st, 2012

The Gun

With unusual appeal, cast in blue steel,

made to exacting laws of dimension.

Its wood grain and brass, of exceptional class,

make it an art form of exquisite invention.

It is said, we were cursed, when it came to this earth,

and we should hate its very conception.

But the bad that was done, by a blade or a gun,

is only a wicked human reflection.

A gun is a tool, like a horse or a mule,

its directed by the one in control.

And control of a gun, is rule number one,

and hitting the target the ultimate goal.

But those who can render the guns true splendor,

and the beauty of its mechanical design,

can value its use and object the abuse,

this thing that so affected mankind.

For the wilderness was won, using a knife and gun,

by men who were men enough to go.

When shooting I can feel, that history that was real,

and a deeper sense of values, come to know.

Its tradition in my hand, when I walk about the land;

it is a thing unspoken, only felt.

With respect, the key feature, in the taking of a creature,

to provide us food and a warm fur pelt.

And too, the given right, that when cornered in a fight,

to protect ones family from the stranger.

With a cool calm head, and wishing no one to be dead,

with this tool, confront the present danger.

I pray that God does see, I no way wish to be

in a situation of this kind.

And if he could find a way, Id be spared from that day,

I would be thankful, throughout time.

But may this gun I hold, be kept till Im old,

and never be fired in a duel.

Still, Ill keep it by my side, as I travel far and wide,

until all men obey the Golden Rule.

Do un to others, as you would have them do un to you.

Luke 6: 31

Poem by James LeRoy Kowaliski

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !