The Gun Culture
The Gun Culture
Culture/Society Opinion (Published) Keywords: GUNS, CULTURE
Source: Yuma Arizona Prospector
Published: 2 July, 2000 Author: Dean Weingarten
Posted on 08/05/2000 11:12:20 PDT by marktwain
The Gun Culture is an essential part of America. About half of American homes have guns, and the United States has more guns per person than most countries, with the possible exception of Switzerland. Members of the gun culture are better educated, more prosperous, and have lower levels of crime than those who have not integrated into the Gun Culture, or who have been intimidated from joining the Gun Culture by the incessant attacks against it in the old media and various legislatures. Children who are members of the Gun Culture have less problems, and commit less crime, than those who are outside of the Culture. The Gun Culture is noted for a strong belief in individual rights, the necessity to limit goverment, individual responsibility, ethics, and integrity. Ask around gun shops and shooting clubs. You will find that bad checks are virtually unknown. I have had none.. zero… for the hundreds of students who have gone throught the Isher Enterprises course. Interestingly, there are almost no representatives of the Gun Culture in the old media. It appears that members of the Gun Culture are forced out of the old media early in their careers by a form of cultural discrimination. I personally had a close friend that this happened to. In the Gun Culture, reality matters. Image is of only marginal importance. “I thought it was unloaded” is no excuse. In the old media, image is everything. Reality is of only marginal importance. Truth is what you can convince enough people to believe. Individuals do not matter, except as they can be used to manipulate groups. The Gun Culture used to be the dominant culture in the United States. While it still has more members than other cultures in the U.S., it has lost its dominant position to the old media. The Gun Culture opens its arms to all who wish to join. In America, Switzerland, Israel, and some Scandinavian and South American countries, anyone can become a member of the Gun Culture. In most countries of the world, the Gun Culture is the exclusive province of the ruling elites. Shooters will find that they have an invitation into these elites as they show their knowledge and interests in social circles around the rest of the world. A person with knowledge of personal arms is assumed to be in the elite, just as knowledge of arms separated the feudal nobility from the peasants. Perhaps Machiavelli said it best in “The Prince” “There can be no proper relation between one who is armed and one who is not; nor is it reasonable to expect that one who is armed will obey one who is not, or that the latter will feel secure amoung servants who are armed.” In the United States, this was to be avoided by recognizing the right of all to keep and bear arms. As Patrich Henry said, “The great object is that every man be armed… Everyone who is able may have a gun.” I am a proud member of the Gun Culture. It is the representation and defender of all that is best in America. Dean Weingarten has been teaching fiream techniques and safety for more than 25 years. He has been both a peace officer and a military officer. He is the current lead instructor for Isher Enterprises, which offers the course necessary to obtain a concealed weapons permit in Arizona. He is certified by the State of Arizona, the State of Louisiana, and the National Rifle Association