This article hits on what so many have said: there is NO gun show loophole!
The Blue Press
June 2002
Page 10
(It’s us!)
By Peter Caroline
There’s been a lot of discussion about the so-called “gun
show loophole.” The anti-gunners would have us believe that
the average American gun show is a “one-stop shopping
center” for criminals and terrorists, and that because not
every exhibitor is an FFL dealer, unauthorized individuals
can readily obtain guns at a gun show without undergoing a
background check.
I’ll readily admit, the latter statement is probably true
but, according to Department of Justice figures, highly
unlikely. Records indicate that criminals obtain the vast
majority of their guns by stealing them or buying or renting
them from other criminals. There is only a miniscule
percentage of criminals who have obtained their guns at gun
shows. Why? First, because it’s easier to buy them from
other criminals or steal them. Second, because purchasing a
gun at a show results in more public contact and exposure
than most criminals want. Third, because finding a bargain
at today’s gun shows is about as likely as finding gold
nuggets in a cow pie. Even that small minority of non-FFL
gun sellers at any given show keep a Blue Book handy. They
know the nominal value of whatever modern gun they might be
selling, and they usually are asking at least twice that amount.
All right, let’s say that a criminal, someone barred for one
reason or another from buying a gun legally, buys a gun
“off-paper” at a gun show.
Then what? First of all, they’ve committed a felony by
purchasing the gun. Second of all, they will be committing
an even more serious felony by using that now-illegal gun in
the commission of a crime. And it’s up to law enforcement to
apprehend them. Couldn’t we have prevented all this crime by
making every seller do background checks? Not really. People
who are inclined to commit crimes will, by definition, do so
regardless of the law. Besides which, if FFL dealers and
ordinary citizens are to be required by the government to
perform crime prevention duties, shouldn’t the government
compensate them for their efforts? As far as I know, the
13th Amendment is still on the books.
The anti-gunners claim that a significant number of
exhibitors at gun shows have no FFL. They’re right. At most
gun shows, unfortunately, a growing number of exhibitors are
offering only fierce T-shirts, Korean-made “military
surplus” web gear, home made pastries and beef jerky, plus
backscratchers and other non-gun items. It’s pretty sad.
Now, what about terrorists? The Brady Bunch, AGS and other
information-challenged anti-gunners have cited incidents of
known terrorists buying guns at gun shows. What they have
not cited is the fact that in both instances, the offending
parties were arrested shortly afterward. The system does
work. But more to the point, if you were a terrorist and you
wanted to buy large quantities of selective-fire weapons,
ammunition, rocket-propelled grenades, landmines and
explosives for your little group, where would you go… to
an American gun show, or to the bazaars of such countries as
Pakistan and Yemen? Next time you’re at a gun show, check
out the price of a semiauto-only Kalashnikov clone. You can
get the rock ‘n roll version for one-third the price in the
Middle East. These people may be nuts, but they’re not stupid.
The anti-gunners, on the other hand, are neither crazy nor
stupid. Their primary, albeit unspoken, objection to gun
shows has nothing to do with criminals or terrorists. It’s
us. We, the great 99+ percent of all legitimate, law-abiding
gun owners, scare the living bejesus out of the
anti-gunners. We are not people that they can control. We
have the freedom, in most jurisdictions, to sell, trade or
give guns to each other… with no government record of the
transaction. The independent, non-FFL seller at the show,
whether he has guns displayed on a table or is walking
around with one price-tagged gun slung on his shoulder, is
an affront to those who firmly believe that what is not
mandatory should be prohibited, and that the
government should have every aspect of our lives recorded on
a database. The gun show, because it is a public venue, is
their first line of attack. look carefully at all the
proposed federal and state attempts to close the “gun show
loophole,” and you will see provisions that could impact on
private gun sales, trades or transfers outside of shows…
eventually at your gun club or even your home. Their
ultimate goal is to register every gun
in this country, and every gun owner, too. You want to leave
your guns to your children or grandchildren or a good
friend? No sweat, just fill out these government forms and
pay the transfer fees.
We gun owners have
been accused, in regard to this “gun show loophole” issue,
of being paranoid, which means having delusions of
persecution. If, however, you will spend at least a few
minutes reading and pondering what the anti-gunners are
proposing, you’ll agree that the persecution is quite real,
and not delusional. Free, gun-owning Americans are, in fact,
the “gun show loophole,” and there are people out there who
would happily put an end to our freedom, by whatever means