The gunshow loophole could be enforced right in your home Fair use)

March 1st, 2012 801.frame

Gun measure has broader impact

Tuesday, August 1, 2000


The article “Gun initiative makes ballot,” with the subheadline, “The measure, which would require all buyers at gun shows to undergo background checks . . . ” (July 26), is misleading because it tricks the reader into believing that the measure applies only to large gun shows where thousands of people participate with thousands of guns.

This is absolutely not true. This measure threatens all private sales of guns by defining a gun show as an “event at which more than 25 firearms are on site and available for transfer.” In other words, a person’s home would qualify.

And secondly, the arbitrary number 25 could be easily amended in the future, and in a few years would become 10 guns, then five, then one, and that is what I believe is the real intent behind this sneaky measure — licensing and registration of guns and gun owners.

RALPH THOMAS Northeast Portland