March 1st, 2012

May 18, 2002 Vol. 02, No. 137

By William A. Shields – Ether Zone

Gun control laws kill people.

I came to this conclusion a long time ago. It was an easy deduction to reach. I simply observed the related events, applied reason and logic, especially with consideration to human nature, and the outcome was a lead pipe cinch.

Consider: A person or persons, bent on exercising power and deadly force on others, brings a gun or other weapon(s) to a place where he or she can be reasonably certain that there will be unarmed people to victimize.

Every crime needs a crime scene, but what I find fascinating about the type of crime described above is that it’s location is not all that random and can even be predicted. In fact, look around your immediate surroundings. You may be standing in the middle of a killing zone right now.

A potential perpetrator of gun violence and mass murder has a most helpful accomplice. This accomplice provides the killing zone, and ensures that there will be lots of ready, unwitting and defenseless victims ripe for the taking inside the killing zone. The accomplice is government.

A deranged maniac boards a commuter train in New York City. The unwitting passengers don’t realize they are in a prime killing zone: a high-speed metal tube, from which escape is unlikely, and in which the presence of an armed, law abiding citizen is just as improbable.

Other killing zones are not hard to locate. The casual observer, or the psychotic killer can easily identify them. They exist wherever guns are prohibited, or severely restricted. Schools and airports come immediately to mind. Everyday, without thinking about it, millions of Americans are moving from one killing zone to another. In fact, many are moving from some extremely dangerous zones to moderately dangerous zones and back again. A person strapped into a seat aboard an airliner at LaGuardia airport in New York (a strict gun control city and state) is a person in a killing zone (seated aboard an airplane) inside another killing zone ( airport ) in another double killing zone (New York, New York).

All of the people killed in the 9-11 tragedy died as a result of gun control. All of the people murdered by Colin Ferguson during the Long Island Railroad massacre, also died as a result of gun control. How many times must we hear, after these horrible tragedies, the same sad and torturous lament: “If only someone was there with a gun.” But you see, guns are not allowed in the killing zones. That is what makes them the killing zones.

After the Columbine incident, a liberal friend jousted with me on the subject of gun control. He said, “Willie, our kids are being KILLED in their schools! We must do something!” I replied that the answers are written in the constitution. If you must run, run toward the U.S. Constitution, not away from it.

And that is my answer to the killing zones created by the collectivists that want us all dependent on government. Embrace, protect and defend the Constitution. If you are able, apply for a concealed carry permit and by doing so, you’ll put another gun in a place where it can do some good. When an armed, law-abiding citizen walks into a killing zone, he introduces a measure of safety that instantly changes the complexion of the area, even if other citizens are unaware of their newly acquired safety, or their previous position of jeopardy.

Don’t subsidize airline cowardice. The airlines, (and the federal government) by prohibiting guns have made themselves responsible for the safety of the individuals who choose to participate in their transportation service industry. The problem is, they are not getting the job done, and in fact, have failed miserably. This makes the risks inherent in flying far too overwhelming to tolerate. I propose a boycott of the entire industry.

If Tom Ridge were serious about homeland security he would urge the repeal of all gun control laws and encourage all able citizens to carry and carry responsibly.

Let’s all work toward ending this culture of death forced on us by the government. Let’s change the killing zones into the freedom zones and living zones that were envisioned by the framers of the U.S. Constitution.

About the Author
William A. Shields is a contributor to the American Reformation Project. William A. Shields is the Chairman of the Delaware Reform Party. He is a former U.S. Marine with 19 years experience as an air traffic controller. He is the former President of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, EWR Local. He is a new columnist for Ether Zone.

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