The latest Zogby poll
The latest Zogby poll of likely independent voters gives
independents’ position on several issues, including one near
and dear to our hearts:
gun control.
Note especially the opinion on the Second Amendment as an
individual right.
According to the Zogby poll:
“Guns: Likely Independent voters overwhelmingly (69%-25.1%)
said they would support a candidate who wants better
enforcement of current gun control laws including mandatory
jail time for those who commit a crime with a gun, over a
candidate who wants more gun control laws including
mandatory gun locks.
Those results were similar to the “American Values” poll of
1,028 likely voters nationwide taken in February this year,
which had 68.3% supporting the candidate urging better gun
law enforcement over the 29% who want more and stronger gun
control measures.
Results show voters would support a candidate who believes
the Second Amendment of the Constitution protects the rights
of individuals to own guns, over a candidate who believes
the Second Amendment protects the rights of states in the
form of militias to own guns, 71.7%-21.5%.
The entire thing is at
Elsewhere, Zogby shows Rick Lazio leading Hillary by
49.6% to 42% among likely voters. A clean sweep of the
Arkansas Infection seems likely!