The New Gun Week : Black Anti-Gunners Seen Perpetuating Jim Crow Laws

March 1st, 2012

From: “Frank M. Reed” <reedsway@c…>
Date: Sat Mar 1, 2003 2:35 am
Where is Jessie? Where is Al Sharpton? Where is the NAACP?

The New Gun Week
Vol. 37, Issue 1734
November 10, 2002
Readers’ Forum

Black Anti-Gunners Seen
Perpetuating Jim Crow Laws

Dear Editor:

For the record, Al Sharpton does not speak for me. On August 25, 2002,
Sharpton told NBC News “Meet the Press” host Tim Russert: “I am for all
kinds of gun control and I am for licensing and registering guns.” Black
elected officials and media designated spokesmen continue to disrespect
the Constitution. The Second Amendment to the Constitution states: “A
well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Notice there is no reference to hunting.

After the Civil War guns were priced out of the reach of blacks and poor
whites. These laws were known as the Black Codes during the 1860s and
Jim Crow during the 1960s. These racist laws disarmed my ancestors. As
a result many were murdered. Remember the nightriders? Some states
changed their constitutions to read that only free white men had the
right to keep and bear arms. Some states classified a dog as a weapon.
As a result dog ownership by blacks was prohibited. In some states the
owner had to get a license.

If a black man were walking his dog, citizens had the right to challenge
the owner. They also had the right to kill the dog on the spot if the
owner did not have a license for the dog. If a black man were caught
walking with a large stick or carried ammunition in his pocket, he was
subject to be beaten, shot, or hung. Some northern states permitted
firearm ownership only if he or she could show a need to be armed. If
permission were granted the firearm had to be registered with the local
police department.
The 1911 Sullivan Act of New York allowed the police to screen
applicants for permits to possess handguns. This system was abused and
was primarily directed at southern and eastern European immigrants. They
were considered racially inferior. Targeted immigrants and blacks were
looked upon as scum of the earth not worthy of firearm ownership for
self-defense or any other reason. Jim Crow has moved north changing its
name to pseudo gun safety legislation in the name of the children and
need based permit systems.

It’s time for the blatant disregard of our constitutional rights to come
to and end. The right of the people to keep and bear arms should not be
applied to a select few individuals because of political, economic,
special connection status and ethnic origin. This is called
discrimination. America has a long history of elitist members of
society disarming groups they deem as unacceptable. Is Al Sharpton now
one of these elite members of society?
With the assistance of these new age bigots, the Second Amendment
continues to be destroyed in major cities across America. This is quite
sad when a lot of major cities have large numbers of blacks on city
council that support the cold calculated destruction of our civil and
constitutional rights. Today most of the major cities have some form of
gun registration. I wonder why? Registration leads to confiscation.
All city council has to do is pass an ordinance outlawing firearms
currently registered. Don’t think it can’t happen. Under Mayor David
Dinkens police were sent to confiscate registered firearms that the New
York city council outlawed. Also look at the so-called assault weapon
bands and lawsuits against gun manufacturers. These unconstitutional
laws have their origin in large cities with high concentrations of
blacks. I call it like I see it. Straight. No chaser.
Black Americans have been hoodwinked and bamboozled into thinking that
pro Second Amendment organizations are all white and racist. This is
not true. Everyone should be concerned with the prosecution of
neighborhood thieves and murderous illegal pistol- packing thugs in all
communities across America. The police can’t be everywhere. But many
have decided to take the easy out and blame the gun as opposed to
blaming the hand that holds the gun.

In closing, I consider the likes of Al Sharpton and his ilk straight out
bigots who discriminate against a group of people: Gun owners. What
about our civil and constitutional rights Mr. Sharpton?

We need gun licensing and registration like a woodpecker needs a
headache. Without gun rights, there can be no civil rights for “We The
People” known as Americans.

Frank M. Reed
Cleveland, OH